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The South English Legendary
Sancti [O]swaldi regis et martiris
De sancto Laurencio martire
De assumptione sancte Marie matris domini nostri Iesu Christi
De sancto Bartholomeo
Sancti Egidii confessoris et abbatis
De exultatione sancte crucis
De sancto Mattheo apostolo et ewangeliste
De sancto Michaele in monte Gargano
De sancto Ieronimo
De sancto Dionisio
De festo sancte Luce ewangeliste
De vndecim milia virginum
De sancto Simonis et Iude
[Seint Quintin þe martir ]
[Alle Halewe day we schulle holde ]
[Alle Soulen day an vrþe ]
[Seint Leonard þe confessour ]
[Seint Martin was ibore ]
[Seint Edmund þe confessour ]
[Seint Edmund þe holi king ]
[Seint Clement was ibore ]
[Seinte Katerine of noble cunne ]
[Seint Andreu þapostle ]
[Seyn Nycholas þe holi mon ]
[Seinte Lucie þe holi maide ]
[Seint Thomas þe gode apostle ]
De sancta Anastacia
De sancto Steffano
De Inuenione sancti Steffani
De sancto Iohanne ewangelista
De sancto Thoma archiepiscopo et cantuariense
[Translacio Sancti Thome martiris]
[Ivdas was a luþer brid ]
[Pylatus was a luþer man ]
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The South English Legendary
water is mest me ssel be[o] wiȝt & fat also
Of nesse her and noþing crips gret slepare & slou þerto
Snyuelinge nose and wet mouþ of lite word & lite drynke
Of ssorte wraþþe and debonere ferblet & lite lust to swinke
The South English Legendary