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Collected poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt

Edited by Kenneth Muir and Patricia Thomson

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[Your lokes so often cast]

Your lokes so often cast,
Your eyes so frendly rold,
Your syght fyxid so fast,
All ways one to behold:
Thoughe hyd yt fayne you would,
Yet playnly dothe declaer
Who hathe your hart in hold,
And wheer goudwil ye baer.
Fayne woulde you fynde a cloke
Your byrninge fier to hyde,
Yet bothe the flame and smoke
Brekes out on euery syed:
Ye can not Love so gide
That yt not issue wynn;
Abrode nydes must it glide
That burnes so hot within.
For cawse your selff dothe winke,
Ye iuge all other blynde;
And that Secret you thinke
That euery man dothe fynde;


In wast oft spend your wynde,
Your selfe from Loue to quitt,
For agues of that kynde
Wyl sho who hathe the fytt.
Cawses you fet from far,
And all to wrap your wo;
Yet ar you neuer the nar;
Men ar not blyndyd so.
Dyply oft swer you no,
But all thos othes ar vayne,
So wel your eye dothe sho
The cawse of all your payne.
Thynke not therfor to hyde
That styll yt selffe betrays,
Nor syek menes to prouid
To darke the sounny deys.
Forget thos wontyd weys,
Leue of dyssemblynge chyer:
Theer woul be found no steys
To stop a thynge so cleer.