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The Poems of Alexander Montgomerie

Edited by James Cranstoun

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O Lord of grace,
Iudge thou my cace:
From thy high place,
My cause reuenge against my deadlie foes.
From wicked traine
Of fraudfull men
That thee misken,
Saue me, O Lord, for I in thee rejoise.


Thou art my God and aide,
My strength and stay;
Why go I then dismaide
In this array?
Why shouldst thou mee
Reject from thee,
As pray to those that seeke my soul to spill?
Send out thy light,
Thy treuth, and right;
And guide my wayes vnto thy holie hill:
Then will I to
Thine altar goe,
Not fearing foe,
With harp in hand, to sing thy praise for euer.
My God so deare,
My joy and cheare,
Who doest me heare,
With readie help do now my soule deliuer.
My soule, why doest thou freate
Thus in my breast,
With grudging griefe ouer-set,
Not taking rest?
In God most just
Set all thy trust;
And call on him with all thy stresse and greefe.
I will alwayes
Him laude and praise:
He is my God, my helpe, my whole releefe.