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8 occurrences of The records of the Virginia Company of London
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CXL. Agreement between Richard Berkeley and Associates, and Robert Pawlett September 15, 1620
collapse sectionCCXLVII. 

8 occurrences of The records of the Virginia Company of London
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CXL. Agreement between Richard Berkeley and Associates, and
Robert Pawlett
September 15, 1620

Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (28), Page 133
Document in New York Public Library
List of Records No. 208

Articles betwene Richard Berkeley George Thorpe and Wilɫm Tracy Esq̢s
and Iohn Smyth gent on the one p̱te And Robert Pawlet gent on the
other p̱te the xvth of September .1620.

Wheras the said Rob̴t Pawlet intendeth in this ship called the Supply to
goe in company with the said Wm Tracy into Virginia and there to abide


and dwell wth the said Geo: & Wm in their house and collony there for the
better instrucc̃on of themselves and their family in the knowledge & feare
of god as Chaplen and preacher, and also as Surgion and phisitian for the
better contynuance of their healthes and safeties wth the favor and blessinge
of allmighty god. In considerac̃on wherof the said George §Thorpe§ and
Wilɫm Tracy promise to pay to the said Robert Pawlet or his assignes for
one yeare next followinge xxɫi the peece, And the said Rich Berkeley and
Iohn Smyth p̳mise to pay ten pounds the peece, And in the end of the said
yeare, the said Robert Pawlet to be at his liberty of returne into England,
if he soe please And the said Richard George Wm Iohn and Robert Pawlet
to be at their liberties for continuance of the said payment, or to allowe
the Tenth of their yearly increase and gaines returned into England or
the Tenth in number of their covenant servantℯ as they shall agree vpon
vnder their hands. Given Enterchangeably vnder their hands and seales
the day and yeare first above written.