University of Virginia Library


[Great God of all-victorious grace]

Great God of all-victorious grace,
Assist us worthily to praise
Thy glorious majesty:
Saved from the peril of the sword,
We fain would magnify the Lord,
And make our boast of Thee.
Upheld by Thine almighty hand,
Conquerors on every side, we stand,
And see our foes cast down,
Author of all our God we bless,
Our whole miraculous success
Ascribe to God alone.
Thy single arm the victories gave,
And show'd, Thou art not bound to save
By many or by few:
Number and strength of hosts is vain;
Weakness itself, if Thou ordain,
Shall earth and hell subdue.


Worship and power to God belongs!
Saviour, let our triumphal songs
Thine only praise record:
Some in their fleets and armies trust,
But we of God will make our boast,
And glory in the Lord.
Wide as our conquering arms extend,
Throughout the earth the news we send,
The joyous news proclaim,
Tell it to all the nations round
Salvation on our side is found,
And Jesus is His name!
Jesus hath saved our souls from death!
Let all who by Thy mercy breathe,
Thy mercy taste and see!
Claim, Lord, and take the purchased race,
And let the world, redeem'd by grace,
Rejoice to God in Thee.