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HYMN VIII. Revelation xix. 11, &c.

Come, Thou Conqueror of the nations,
Now on Thy white horse appear;
Earthquakes, dearths, and desolations
Signify Thy kingdom near:
True and faithful!
'Stablish Thy dominion here.
Thine the kingdom, power, and glory;
Thine the ransom'd nations are;
Let the heathen fall before Thee,
Let the isles Thy power declare;
Judge and conquer
All mankind in righteous war.


Thee let all mankind admire,
Object of our joy and dread!
Flame Thine eyes with heavenly fire,
Many crowns upon Thy head;
But Thine essence
None, except Thyself, can read.
Yet we know our Mediator,
By the Father's grace bestow'd,
Meanly clothed in human nature,
Thee we call the Word of God:
Flesh Thy vesture,
Dipp'd in Thy own sacred blood.
Follow'd by the hosts of heaven,
(White their robes, their coursers white,)
Come, and let the word be given,
Let Thy sword the nations smite;
With Thy judgments,
With Thine iron sceptre fight.
Captain, God of our salvation,
Thou who hast the winepress trod,
Borne the' Almighty's indignation,
Quench'd the fiercest wrath of God,
Take the kingdom,
Claim the purchase of Thy blood.
On Thy thigh and vesture written,
Show the world Thy heavenly name,
That, with loving wonder smitten,
All may glorify the Lamb;
All adore Thee,
All the Lord of Hosts proclaim.


Honour, glory, and salvation,
To the Lord our God we give;
Power, and endless adoration,
Thou art worthy to receive:
Reign triumphant,
King of kings, for ever live!