University of Virginia Library


Psalme. CXIX

A Preface to the Psalme. 119.

Made is this Psalme: by Alphabete: in Octonaries folde,
All letters two: and twentie set: as Hebrues them haue tolde.
The verses all: an hundred bee: threescore and iust sixtene,
Thus framde and knit: for memorie: and elegance some wene.
Here letters all: so sortely bound: do shew in mysterie:
Eternall health: may sure be found: in scripture totallie.
Uerse yokt by eight: Christes rising day: doth figure them in some,
Sweete Saboth rest: not here I say: I meane of world to come.
Peruse this psalme: so wide and brode: eche verse saue one is freight
As still in termes: of law of God: most ofte by voyces eyght.
Right statutes, olde precepts, decrees: cōmaundemēts, word, & law.
Known iudgemēts, domes, & witnesses: al rightous wais thei draw
Enuie no man: Gods worde to painte: in arte by such deuise,
Reade Hebrue tonge: the tong so sainte: and causeles be not nise.
Upfolde be here: Gods truthes discust: right sure vs all to teache,
So lies of man: all low be thrust: full false in glosing speache.


The Argument.

This Psalme dewrayth: good mens desire,
Gods law to know so milde:
Which Dauid prayth: whom men in ire,
Did curse, from home exilde.

Aleph. 1.

Beati imculati.


A rightvp man: of perfect wayes: is blest and blest agayne,
As blest be they which walke their dayes: in gods true law so playne.


And yet I speake: so blest they be: who kepe his witnesses,
All whole in hart: which will agree: to search Gods promises.


Admit they do: no sinfulnes: who walke his pathes alwayes,
At wil who worke: but wickednes: they tread not these his wayes.


Aduisedly: thou gauest in charge: thy hests that we should kepe,
Approued so: by thee at large: for vs most due to leke.


Ah then O lord: where yu wilt so: would God my wayes were steyd
Affected right: in hart to go: thy statutes iustly leyd.


Ashamed then: I shall not shrinke: in hart or visage cold,
Abacke to stand: what tyme I thinke: thy lawes and them behold.


Ascribe will I: to thee my thanke: in hart most right and clene:
Assoone as I: shall learne so franke: thy iudgements iust besene.


Agayne I vow: withall my hart: to kepe thy true decrees:
A far then Lord: do not depart: from me thy grace to leese.


Beth. 2. In quo corigit.


By what or how: can yong man clense: or yet reforme his way,
Best, word of thyne: if he the sence: will warely kepe I saye.


Betymes where I thy word haue sought: with all my harts entent
Be guyde, lest I: might erre in thought: from thy commaundemēt.


By lowe I hyd: thy word in hart: thy willes inspird to kepe,
Blasphemingly: lest might I start: from thee in sinne to deepe.


Both blest and praysed: thou doost remayne: O lord of secrecye,
Bestryde my hart: and teach my brayne: thy statutes inwardly.


Bold haue I bene: and euer shall: by thee with tong to tell,
Before all men: thy iudgements all: which once thou spakst so well.


Blith whole my hart: did ioye to trace: thy testimonyes wayes,
Beholding them: more glad in face: than riches gaynfull prayse,


Bestowe I will: my tyme and talke: in thy precepts to muse,
Beside to note: thy wondrous walke: no tyme I will refuse.


Besport me still: I purpose me: in thy decrees whole set,
Beleue I haue: thy wordes decree: no tyme I shall forget.


Ghimel. 3. Retribue.


Confirme O lord: thy seruantes will: with thy good grace so meke
Consist that I: in lyfe may still: so iust thy wordes to kepe.


Cleare thou mine eies: both darke & thral: reforme my sprite afresh
Consider then: thy law I shall: what meruels they expresse.


Cast here on earth: as Pilgrimes be: I am poore traueler,
Conceale not Lord: thy law from me: depart not thou to fer.


Consume do I: afflict in sprite: for loue to know thy worde,
Comprise I would: alwayes aright: thy iudgements hye O Lorde.


Correct thou doost: the proud therfore: which thy precepts despise,
Curst be they all: from thy good lore: who wander wyll to nyse.


Contempt and shame: frō me remoue: which proud men cast on me
Content for that: in lyfe I loue: thy lawes to testifie.


Chiefe Princes lo: in counsell sate: and me they hie controld:
Chaunge yet my choyce: so would I not: I vsed thy statutes bold.


Cause why, to me: thy witnesses: are whole my hartes delites,
Close counsellers: they be no lesse: agaynst these cursed wyghtes,


Daleth. 4. Adhesit.


Deare Lord to dust: my soule is knit: nye dead I ligh for griefe:
Draw nye my life: and quicken it: with thy sweete wordes reliefe.


Detect I haue: my wayes to thee: thou aunswerdst me agayne:
Declare thy will: that I may see: in hart thy statutes playne.


Due sence geue me: to vnderstand: the wayes of thy preceptes,
Demure I will: then take in hand: to talke thy wondrous steppes.


Distemperd cares: dyd melt my hart: to note the worldes despite,
Deale then some ease: in gentle part: as thy true worde hath hight.


Deliuer me: from lying wayes: from suttle glosing sect:
Delite my hart: in all thy layes: vouchsaue this good effect.


Do this for why: right path of lyfe: I haue now chosen due,
Deteyne I will: myne eyes so rife: to vew thy iudgements true.


Directly Lord: where hold I haue: thy testimonyes fast,
Defame me not: of thee I craue: to fall by shame agast.


Deliuerly: runne shall I light: thy lawes the perfect gate:
Dilated large: when thou in sprite: shalt make it ioy in state.


He. 5. Legem pone.


Eternall God: teach me the way: of thy most iust decrees:
Euen then I shall: kepe them all day: in all their full degrees.


Employ my wits: to perfectnes: so hold thy law I may,
Effect therof: I shall expresse: wyth all my hartes assay.


Eke lead me strayt: to see the path: of thy preceptes most right,
Elect for why: my hart them hath: wherin I most delite.


Egge thou my hart: to magnifie: thy testimonies all,
Escape that I: may vtterly: foule auarice thee gall.


Erect myne eyes: not down to cliue: by lustes to things most vayne
Encleare my sight: and me reuiue: thy wayes to loue the trayne.


Establish Lord: thy worde all sure: thy seruaunt lo I am,
Els could not I: thy feare procure: to reuerence thy name.


Eftsoones remoue: the brute vnswete: of shame that I do feare,
Espy I do: thy doomes discrete: all mixt with mercy deare.


Enforst I haue: lo all my minde: thy statutes iust to sue:
Encourage me: soone them to finde: I craue thy iustice true.


Vau. 6. Et veniat.


First Lord I craue: thy grace deuyne: thy mercyes sweete to feele,
Fence thou my soule: with health of thyne: as thy true word doth deale.


Fynd thus I maye: to answere right: and dul blasphemers slents
Fast that my hope: is wholly plight: to thyne aduertisments.


Farre driue not lord: thy word most sure frō out my mouth to stray
Full still for why: I will endure: to wayte thy iudgements way.


Ferme will I kepe: thy laye and lore: sith thou wilt teach the way,
Fayth still to beare: I wyll the more: from age to age for aye.


Fayre walke and large: thus shall I hold: in conscience vpright,
Forth on where I: do seeke so bolde: thy cleare precepts in light.


Free shall my tong: thy witnes tell: before both Lord and king,
Foule shame shall not: my hart debell: to shrinke for manacyng


Fro thence I shall: my comfort fynd: thy lawes shall me delyte,
Fresh loue I beare: to them in mynde: no tyme to slyde to lighte.


Fold vp my hands: I will full hye: to thy commaundements,
For them I loue: and muse shall I: thy stable testaments.


Zain. 7. Memor esto.


God call to mynde: thy promise graue: to me thy seruaunt frayle,
Good hope therin: thou madest me haue: to my poore soules auayle.


Greate comfort this: gaue me in thought: in payne whē I did lye,
Glad hart for why: thy word me wrought: as whole reuiued therby


Grym stately men: though one by one: most hye do me deryde,
Gone yet a backe: I haue not done: from thy true lawe aside.


Graue thoughts had I: & cast in mind: thy iudgemēts lord frō first,
Gat so I did: my comfort kynd: to slake my wofull thirst.


Greued sore I am: most horribly: at wicked mens ententes:
Glyde fast they do: so shamefully: from all thy lawes contentes.


Grate songes in verse: I do deuise: of thy sweete statutes lore:
Gest when I am: in wandryng wyse: abrode afflicted sore.


Grauen depe in mynd: thy name by night: O Lord ful oft I had:
Glue fast to hart: that so I myght: thy law that I had rad.


Grace thus dyd grow: to me so greene: for that thy law I kepe:
Graunt then O Lord: I may be seene: thy wyll alway to seke.


Heth. 8. Portio me.


Hole portion Lord: thou art of myne: to thee alone I clyue:
Hold will I iust: thy law deuine: though men for lies do striue.


How deepe in hart: thou seest all day: I haue thy face besought:
Haue mercy then, on me I pray: such trust thy worde hath taught.


Here how I liue: what wayes I lead: I haue discust full nere:
Home so to turne: thy lawes to pleade: my feete I did retire.


Hast made I fast: my fault espied: no tyme then troyted I:
Hart, hand, and tong: I straite applied: to kepe thy lawes more nye.


Haut wicked men: on heapes they met: to robbe from me my trust:
Hard yet in hart: thy law I kept: though sore at me they thrust.


Hye midnight iust: my tyde is set: to rise thy name to blesse:
Harke so I shall: and spie the bet: thy iudgements righteousnesse.


Hoste me I will: with them to dwell: which thee do duely feare:
Hyd who do kepe: thy hestes full well: in hart to mynd them cleare.


Hyll, dale, and vale: the earth is full: thy mercies Lord to tell:
Helpe thou therfore: my wits so dull: teach me thy statutes spell.


Teth. 9. Bonitatem fecisti.


I Lord confesse: thou dealst full kynd: with me thy seruaunt frayle:
In thy good worde: such grace I fynde: thy promise neuer fayle.


Inspire right tast: of discipline: and me sound knowledge teach:
Iust haue I hold: the lawes of thyne: most firmly them to seach.


Inuegeled foule: awry I went: before I was correct:
Imprint I now: thy testament: in hart thus gently checkt.


Intirely good: and liberall: thou art who can deny:
Illumine then: my senses all: thy statutes well to spy.


Ill men and proud: theyr traps haue set: to spot my truth with lyes,
Inure my hart: I purpose yet: all whole thy lawes to vise.


Inlarded is: their hart with pride: they swell in fat and grease:
Inuy I not: their ioyes so wide: thy lawes can me refresh.


It wrought me wealth: so good it was: that troubles me did strayne.
Indued was so: my soule with grace: to learne thy statutes playne.


Ioy more I do: the law of thyne: which thy sweete lips pronounce:
Infinitely: then siluer fine: or gold a thousand ounce.


Iod. 10 Manus tue.


King, Lord, & God: thou art to me: thou madst & formdst my shape,
Kerne depe my hart: wt knowledge free: thy word in mind to wrap.


Kynd louyng men: that worship thee: wyll ioy at me right soone,
Keyd fast thy word: was so to me: in hope that I haue done.


Know well I do: in thys thy rod: thy iudgements all be iust,
Known worthy is: thy truth O God: which humbled me to dust.


Kysse thou my soule: by louing grace: some comfort sweete to feele,
Knyt iust thy word: though I be base: thy man yet euery deale.


Kneele lowe I will: to aske full sad: thy mercyes all in sight,
Keepe than my life: I shall full glad: for I thy lawe delyte.


Kil down ye proud: confound their lies: they me wold vayn peruert
Koole thou their heate: and I will ryse: to preach thy lawes apart.


Kenne they thy lawes: as turnde to me: who duely thee do feare,
Known right who haue: thy dignitie: thy word with me do beare.


Knocke, aske, and seeke: I will, and weepe: in hart thy word to spie,
Knead els in mire: of error deepe: I should most shamefully.


Cap. 11. Defecit.


Longd hath my soule: and languished: while I thy helth expect:
Lord yet thy word: me comforted: for hope dyd me erect.


Lo both myne eyes: did faynt and wast: thy promise still to wayte,
Lowd thus I spake: when wilt thou cast: thy helpe to ease my strayt.


Lyke though I was: to bottle dryed: in smoke so was my skyn,
Leaue would I not: thy statutes tryed: I kept yet mynd therin.


Leafe Lord my dayes: how lōg to go: thy seruaūt fayn would know
Long wilt thou slake: erre thou my foe: wilt iudge who thrust me lowe.


Lyme pittes full slye: these lurdens proud: did digge in crafty sort,
Lyes lowd they made: not well auowed: by thy true lawes report.


Life, truth and way: thy lawes contayne: though words they prate vntrue
Lend me thy helpe: where men so vayne: do falsly me pursue.


Large sautes they made: to make me sinke: well nye they had me spent:
Loth yet I was: in hart to shrinke: from thy commaundement.


Let then thy grace: and gentlenesse: refresh and me reuiue:
Loue so I shall: and will expresse: thy wordes of mouth belyue.


Lamed. 12. In eternum domine.


Meke Lord thy word: most stable lieth as heuen: is permanent:
Most strong it is: as testefieth: the starry fyrmament.


Man trust may thee: thy fayth so standth: in truth from age to age:
Marke wel we do: the earth & lond: how fyrme thou madst the stage.


Made fast they bid: by thy decree: vntil this present day:
Meete seruice all: do yeld to thee: In all theyr course and sway.


My chief delyte: and ornament: onlesse thy law had ben:
More deepe in wo: I had ben shent: whole quenched quite & cleane.


Mind stil I will: thy lawes precept: and neuer it forget:
Me still in life: it dayly kept: by thee this grace I get.


Maineteyn my life: for thine so wrought: I am most congruent,
Midst whole in hart: for why I sought: thy true commaundement.


Mad men in harte: vngodly men: awayted me to kill:
Muse yet I did: full oft agayne: thy testimonyes wyll.


Moch noted I: things finest tried: drue fast to brittle ende:
Meere infinite: thy law I spied: whose bredth no time could spende.


Mem. 13. Quam dilexi.


Nye loue in hart: thy law I beare: such hope therby I winne:
No day doth passe: but that I steare: my mind to muse therein.


Now hast thou made: my wit excell: my foes by thy precepts:
No time there is: but that I mel: with them in my concepts.


Note this I do: I am more wise: then all my teachers be:
No dout for this: that I aduise: thy testimonies free.


Not aged men: haue knowlege like: I them exceede to far:
No question: for that I kepe: thy lawes familier.


Nedes must I stey: and so I do: my feete from path of vice:
No witherward: aside to go: but keepe thy words deuise.


Nought do I shrinke: one ynch awry: from thy decrees amisse:
No prayse to me: doth rise therby: for thou hast taught me this.


New fragant tast: by thy sweete word: O how my pallat felt:
No hony combe: set on my bourd: such swetenes euer delt.


Notorious: my wisdome grew: by thy commaundements:
No wicked wayes: then will I sue: I hate all crafty flents.


Nun. 14. Lucerna.


O Lord thy word: a lanterne is: full cleare to guide my feete:
Ondoubted light: that will not misse: to rule my pathes most meete.


Oth once I spake: and promise made: in hart I full decreed:
Obserue that I: should whole in trade: thy iust and righteous reede.


Opprest I am: O Lord to hye: in soule, in sprite, in flesh:
Of this sore crosse: reuiue thou me: thy worde pretendth no lesse.


Oh let my mouthes: free sacrifice: please thee O Lord at will:
Ope thou my wits in ghostly wyse: teach me thy iudgementes skill.


Onsure my lyfe: all day I see: my soule lyeth aye in hand:
Obliuious yet: thy law to flee: I will not so be bond.


Onrightfull men: and obstinate: for me a snare haue layd,
Offend thy law: yet will I not: to renne from it astraid.


Obtaynd I haue: thy witnesses: in iust fee simple state:
Oblected so: my fansy is: with them most delicate.


One thing in hart: inclynde I to: to worke thy statutes lore:
Once this to misse: I will not so: to ende for euermore.


Samech. 15. Iniquos.


Presumpteous men: which guiles deuise: I hate as hypocrites:
Pure law of thine: most hie I prise: for that all truth behightes.


Protectour thou: thou art my bower: thou art my trusty shield:
Persist I will in thy good power: I trust thy word so mylde.


Part ye from me: malignaunt men: your by pathes wrong I hate:
Performe I shall: more iust and playne: my Gods precepts in gate.


Plucke vp my hart: O me sustayne: by thy sweete worde to lyue:
Pinche not my hope: with shames disdayn: to make my hart to riue


Preserue me still: in sure defence: so safe I shall remayne:
Promoote thy wordes: intelligence: I shall alway full fayne.


Presse downe thou wilt: all thē to nought: which erre frō thy decrees
Playne lies they forge: in crafty thought: they frame but fallacies.


Proud men lyke drosse: thou wilt remoue: which iet in earth so stout
Precellently: therfore I loue: thy witnesses full out.


Perplext wt feares: my flesh doth shake: when I thy power do marke
Profound afrayes; my soule haue take: thy iudgements be so darke


Ain. 16. Feci iudicium.


Quite out my life: I delt with that: which lawfull was and right:
To Quarelers: vp geue me not: my soule with wrong to spite.


Queynt thou my hart: delightfully: in things of perfect name:
In Quire ellys will: the proud therby: Some cause my life to shame.


Quicke sight I lost: Mine eyes wer wast: for wayting long thy helth
I Quothd and sight: and longed fast: thy rightwise worde of wealth.


Quit me O Lord: thy seruaunt poore: from sinne and mercy reatch:
So Quicken me: in all thy lore: and me thy statutes teach.


Quire out the truth: that right I may: O vnderstanding graunt:
In Quiet mind: to thee I pray: as seruaunt suppliant.


Qualms ouerwhelmd: my wofull hart: for men haue stroyd thy law:
O Quel them Lord: as iudge thou art: the time doth aske thine aw.


Quench not my sprit: with these thy foen: for I thy lawes do loue:
No Querry geuyth: such gold or stone: which I would prise aboue.


Quake might my hart: if all thy lawes: I held not all the best
No Question: I loue thy sawes: all false wayes I detest


Pe. 17. Mirabilia.


Right wonderfull: set hy aloft: thy testimonies are:
Reuolue therfore: then will I oft: my soule shall kepe them nar.


Resort who doth: thy law the doore: winth light as shewth the profe,
Ripe wisdome riseth: therby in store: to simple mens behoue


Rayse vp my mouth: I did apert: for wind my breth I drew:
Refresht for that: I wisht my hart: with thy sweete statutes vew.


Respect me Lord: not me refuse: my strength were els but lame
Rue than on me: as thou dost vse: on them that loue thy name.


Rule thou my steps: thy word to tread: forme them to lyue therby:
Reigne can no pride: in all my head: to vanity to fly.


Redeme me Lord: from iniury: of men in quarels vayne:
Retayne I may: more constantly: thy constitutions plaine.


Reueale to me: thy seruant true: thy louely face so bright:
Renue my sprite: my soule endue: teach me thy statutes right.


Ran down my cheekes: did water streames: for ye thy law they balke
Rough cheare I made: to note all realms: against thy law to walke.


Zadic. 18. Iustus es Domine.


Seene right thou art: full good and iust: O Lord in veritie:
So righteous be: thy domes discust: all iudged in equitie.


Strayt hast thou chargd: that mē should haunt: thy testimonies reede
Still fayth to speake: still truth to graunt: most vehement at neede.


Sower zeale fret me: in gelousie: for ire nye spent I was:
Set whole for that: my foes I spy: from all thy wordes to passe.


Skord cleane full out: thy word is seene: fine tride frō drosse vnpure:
Sticke fast to it: thy seruaunt meanth: in hart to loue it sure.


Smal though I seeme: and vile at eye: to vaunting insolentes,
Slide yet shall not: my memory: from thy commaundements.


Sound righteousnes: thy iustice is: and that which still will last,
Sure truth thy law: is so iwisse: I trust therto full fast.


Smart woes & sharpe: when they did presse: & I by spite abused:
Sweete comfort yet: did me refresh: thy hestes when I perused.


Stand euer shall: thy witnesses: in ryghteousnes to stay,
Send wisdome then: well teach me this: that euer lyue I may.


Coph. 19. Clamaui.


Thy grace to winne: cried loud I haue from hart effectuall:
Then aunswere me: O Lord with saue: thy statutes kepe I shall.


To thee I suyd: O saue me thou: I sued to none beside:
That iust I may: in life avow: thy testimonies tried.


The dawning day: preuentingly: I cried most earnest than:
Trust fast I did: thy words for why: my hope therby I wan.


Tyme watch of night: mine eyes preuent: so rath I then awoke:
Thus that I might: some thing commēt: of thy true word on booke


Tourn Lord thine eare: my voyce to heare: thy mercies aske euē so:
Touch thou my hart: reuiue me cleare: as thou doost vse to do.


They tread full nye: that would on me: their malyce execute:
Twind far they be: thy law to fle: O Lord be my refute.


Tread thou as nye: O Lord with ayde: for God thou art at hand:
True be thy lawes: all iustly layd: their wayes be mad and fond.


Taught am I sure: earst long ago: of all thy witnesses:
Through thee were set: most groundly so: that they wil neuer misse


Res. 20. Vide humilitatem.


Uyse thou my wo: and rid my smart: thou seest exild I am:
When yet thy law: from inward hart: forgotten neuer cam.


Uphold my cause: and me release: so free redeamd to ryse:
Wast not my life: but me refresh: in thy words warantise.


Ungodly men: from health ren far: and health ren far fro them:
Wyde fle they foul: for why they erre: thy words they search not thē


Use still thy grace: O Lord of might: thy mercies great be seene:
With life, and ioy, refresh my sprite: as earst thy wont hath bene.


Uaine men there be: right many one: which me pursue and presse:
Ware yet I am: to swerue to sone: from thy sweete witnesses.


Uyle men I spied: transgresse thy law: for grief therof I quoke:
Which was because: at eie I saw: thy lawes how they forsooke.


Uew thou my hart: O Lord & see: how thy precepts I loued:
Wherefore by grace: reuiue thou me: not whole frō thee remoued.


Uouch this I may: thy word in chiefe: in some is truth most pure:
Wast can no time: thy lawes relief: thy domes aye Iust will dure.


Sin. 21. Principes.


Xtremly Lord: I am pursued: of princes vndeserued.
Xactly yet: thy woord I vewd: I them with feare preserued.


Xteme I do: thy word so glad: and ioy therof as mich:
Xceding Ioy: as he hath had: that spoyles hath found most rich.


Xcesse of lyes: I haue abhorde: I haue them aye defied:
Xtend I haue: my loues accord: to all thy lawes so tried.


Xprest I haue: thy lawdes most deare: seuen times a day no lesse:
Xpending iust: thy domes so cleare: full wrought in southfastnes.


Xcellent peace: in conscience: haue they which loue thy lawe
Xchew they can: all light offence: no harme to them can draw.


Xpect I do: thy helpe and health: O Lord to thee I pleade:
Xcited so: I haue my selfe: thy iust preceptes to treade.


Xquisitly: In soule I kept: thy testimonies hye:
Xpert by vse: I them accept: in loue exceedingly.


Xalt I haue: thy statutes right: and eke thy witnesses:
Xempt from thee: to scape thy sight: I can no secrecies.


Tau. 22. Appropinquet.


Yeld Lord assent: with eares vnshit: to heare these lawds I sing:
Yt mought please the: to graunt me wit: as thy word vse to bringe.


Yet once I pray: myne sute euen so: admit before thy face:
Yll mens despites: O take me fro: thy word so worketh in grace.


Ymnes, Psalms, & songs: my lips shal sound: such cōmēdatiōs braue
Yf thou wilt teach: my hart the ground: thy lawes in hart to graue.


Yea sure my tong: shall still expresse: thy word deseruingly:
Yokt so with truth: and rightwisenesse: thy whole precepts I spy.


Yere after yere: me then vpshore: with thy good helping hand:
Yong did I chose: (thou knowst) thy lore: to thy decrees to stand.


Yearnd hath my hart: and wished long: thy health to feele so meete:
Yies, head, and hand: haue loued as strong: thy law to me so sweete.


Yeld still I will: O life prolonge: my soule shall prayse thee then:
Yane shall I wide: for ayde among: for thou dost ayde all men.


Youth made me erre: as sheepe but lost: seeke vp thy seruant Lord:
Yes seeke him Lord: bestow the cost: thy law me not abhord.