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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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495. The Wicked and the Just noticed of God.


Psalm xcix.


The Lord, in heaven's effulgent light,
Hears seraphim proclaim his praise;
Before him fly the clouds of night,
And all is naked to his gaze:
Whatever earth, or heaven, unfolds,
His power supports, his eye beholds.


He sees the righteous man pursue
Life's rugged road, with tranquil joy;
His eye surveys the wicked too,
And he will soon their hopes destroy:
The world its gifts may on them shower,
But their's the triumph of an hour.


Ere long, and all their dreams will end;
Portentous clouds their sky o'ercast;
Fain would they death's advance suspend,
But the dread conflict hastens fast:
And what shall breathe the solace sweet,
When hope provides no last retreat!


The world in false attire is dress'd,
Delusive, leading men astray:
The vilest things appear the best
To those who will not heaven obey:
But, at the hour of death, we view
Things in their form, and colour, true.


O Lord! before it be too late;
Before our fleeting life shall end;
May we, with faith and patience, wait
On thee, our Father, and our Friend;
May we to Christ, our refuge, flee,
And, more than ever, live to thee!