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We sit beside the streams of Babylon,
'Neath willowy shades, and hang our harps thereon,
Rememb'ring Sion. What strong chords of love
Shall bind the exile to his home above?
Lov'd intercessor, thou the arts canst tell,
Which draw from Heav'n that all-constraining spell;
Whether thou sitt'st by Hiddekel's broad stream,
Or where on Ulai sleeps the noonday beam;
Or stand'st with outstretch'd hands in palace hall,
Where fiery characters night's shades appal.
It is in stedfast prayer the earnest eyes
Set toward the living temple of the skies,—
Stern hardihood, 'mid fasts and watches won,—
And that pure lamp that shall outshine the sun,
The virgin soul,—these, in thy breast inurn'd,
All glowing thoughts to love seraphic turn'd:
Until an ear in wakeful trance was given,
Converse to hold with pursuivants of Heaven;
An eye, the shapes in Time's dark womb to scan,
And see amid the clouds the Son of Man;
A better boon than sons or daughters fair,
To find a place within God's House of Prayer.