University of Virginia Library


Glory to Thee, whose powerful word
Bids the tempestuous wind arise;
Glory to Thee, the Sovereign Lord
Of air, and earth, and seas, and skies!
Let air, and earth, and skies obey,
And seas Thy awful will perform:
From them we learn to own Thy sway,
And shout to meet the gathering storm.
What though the floods lift up their voice,
Thou hearest, Lord, our louder cry;
They cannot damp Thy children's joys,
Or shake the soul, when God is nigh.
Headlong we cleave the yawning deep,
And back to highest heaven are borne,
Unmoved, though rapid whirlwinds sweep,
And all the watery world upturn.
Roar on, ye waves! Our souls defy
Your roaring to disturb our rest:
In vain to' impair the calm ye try,
The calm in a believer's breast.
Rage, while our faith the Saviour tries,
Thou sea, the servant of His will:
Rise, while our God permits thee, rise;
But fall, when He shall say, “Be still!”