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Cloris Singing.

Yes, yes, 'tis Cloris sings

Yes, yes, 'tis Cloris sings, 'tis she; Mark how the Nymphs and Shepherds all flock to her: so the Master Bee the swarm leads with his awful call; so to the Thracian Lyre the floods resorted, and the listning woods: so shoals of Dolphins on the green waves spring, when Doris or her Sea-born Daughters sing; and so her Notes their hearts benum: one looks pale, others eyes ore-flow with tears of pleasure, perhaps some distil from sad hearts tears of woe; but as if fetter'd in a chain to soft their passions felt no pain, she stops no sooner, but th'inchanted throng straight cry, Sweet Cloris sing another Song.