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The Whole Works of Homer

Prince of Poetts: In his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke. By Geo: Chapman

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The Argvment.

Telemachus, and heau'ns wise Dame,


That neuer husband had, now came
To Nestor; who, his either guest
Receiu'd at the religious feast
He made to Neptune, on his shore.
And there told, what was done before
The Troian turrets; and the state
Of all the Greekes, since Ilions fate.
This booke, these three of greatest place,

Vid. Minerua, Nestor, & Telemachus.

Doth serue with many a varied grace.
(Which past); Minerua takes her leaue.
Whose state, when Nestor doth perceiue;
With sacrifice he makes it knowne,
Where many a pleasing rite is showne.
Which done, Telemachus had gaind
A chariot of him; who ordaind
Pisistratus, his sonne, his guide
To Sparta; and when starrie eyd
The ample heau'n began to be;
All house-rites to affoord them free
(In Pheris) Diocles did please;
His sirname Ortisochides.