Parthenophil and Parthenophe | ||
[Oh deare remembraunce of my Ladyes eyes]
Oh deare remembraunce of my Ladyes eyesIn minde whose reuolutions I reuolue!
To you mine harts bright guid-starres, my soule cryes
Vpon some happy sentence to resolue:
A sentence either of my life, or death,
So bale me from the dungeon of dispaire,
On you I cry with interrupted breathe,
On you, and none but you to crosse my care:
My care to crosse, least I be crucified
Aboue the patience of an humaine soule,
Do this, Ah this, and still be glorified:
Do this, and let eternities enroule
Thy fame, and name, let them enroule for euer
Do this, ah this and famous still perseuer,
Which in another age thy ghost shall feele.
Yet (howsoeuer thou with me shall deale)
Thy bewtie shall perseuer in my verse:
And thine eyes wounde, which thine hart would not heale:
And my complaintes, which could not thine hart perce:
And thine hard hart, thy bewties shamefull staine:
And that fowle staine, thine endlesse infamie:
So (though thou still in recorde do remaine)
The recordes reckon but thine obloquie,
When on the paper (which my passionbeares)
Relenting readers (for my sake) shed teares.
Parthenophil and Parthenophe | ||