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So happy bee

An other to. l.M.S.

So happy bee the course of your long life:
So roon the yere intoo his circle ryfe:
That nothyng hynder your welmeanyng minde:
Sharp wit may you, remembrans redy fynde,
Perfect intelligence, all help at hand:
Styll stayd your thought in frutefull studies stand.
Hed framed thus may thother parts well frame,
Diuine demeanour wyn a noble name:
By payzed doom with leasure, and good heed:
By vpright dole, and much auayling deed:
By hert vnthirld, by vndiscoomfite chere,
And brest discharged quite of coward fere:
By sobermood,

sober mood

and orders coomly rate:

In weal, and wo, by holdyng one estate.
And to that beauties grace, kynde hath you lent,
Of bodies helth a perfite plight bee blent.
Dame fortunes gifts may so stand you in sted,
That well, and wealfully your lyfe be led.
And hee, who giues these graces not in vayn,
Direct your deeds, his honour to maintain.