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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. CXVIII.
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Psalme. CXVIII.

The Argument.

This Psalme is sung: of prayse and laudes: that Dauids rule begonne:
In sprite it shewth: and ioyeth the raigne: of Christ Gods onely sonne.

Confitemi ni domino


O thanke and laud: the heauenly lord: for he is gracious,
Because his loue: and mercy free: for euer standth to vs.



Let Israell: nowe glad confesse: wyth song melodious,
Because his loue: and mercy free: for euer standeth to vs.


Let Aarons house: and stocke confesse: in thankes most plenteous,
Because his loue: and mercy free: for euer standeth to vs.


Yea let them all: that feare the Lord: this grace in hart discusse,
Because his loue: and mercy free: for euer standeth to vs.


In trouble layd: to straytes be thrust: I cald the Lord from thence
He hard at large: and set me wyde: this Lord of excellence.


The Lord as thus: with me to stand: on my nye side to be,
I can not feare: for what can man: preuayle in spite at me.


The Lord takth part: with them to ioyne: that me do helpe & ayde
Myne eyes shall see: their full desire: my foes reuengd and frayd.


O good it is: the Lord to trust: on hym all hope to cast,
More sure it is: then man to trust: on hym to leane to fast.


Yea good it is: the Lord to trust: to hym all whole to stand,
More safe it is: then Prince to trust: with all hys gard and band.


Though nations all: do compasse me: and hedge me round about,
By name (I trust (of this the Lord: I shall cut downe theyr route.


Let them besege: and compasse me: on euery side at wyll,
The Lordes good name: I hope therby: theyr pride to quel & kill.


Though they lyke bees: swarme me about: to sting, to hurt, to noye
They soone shall fade: as fyer in thornes: in God I shall them stroy.


By pushing oft: they thrust at me: to make me full agast,
But yet the Lord: my piller strong: was whole my stay ful fast.



The Lord of power: my strength he is: of laudes my tenors style,
For he was made: my health and fence: to scape all mortall guyle.


The voyce of ioye: and healthful mirth: rebound in iust mens tents
For why ful great: the Lords right hand: hath wrought experimēts.


The Lords ryght hand: exalted is: hys power is clearly knowen,
The lords right hand: great feates hath done: mans strength is not his owne


Not dead I am: but liue as yet: and trust to spend my dayes,
To tell Gods workes: his mighty actes: by whom my liuing stayes.


The Lord although: he me correct: in chastisment most fyt,
Yet downe to death: he draue me not: he would not so permyt.


Ope me the gates: of righteousnes: that iust men vse to haunt,
To enter now: Gods temple so: the Lord with prayse to vaunt.


This gate is wyde: the Lord his gate: where due his grace is spred
All rightwise men: do passe therin: who faythfull life haue led.


I wyll wyth thankes: set out thy prayse: for thou hast answerd me
Though thou didst strike: yet ease thou setst: for helth I had by thee.


The stone it selfe: which was reiect: by all the buylders choyce,
Was made the heade: and corner stone: to all good mens reioyce.


From god the Lord: this act issued: his worke it was alone,
A thing it is: most meruelous: in all our eyes so done.


This is the day: the ioyfull day: which that the Lord hath made,
Let vs therin: reioyce and sing: a day that shall not fade,


Ah Lord helpe now: and saue I praye: assist vs presently,
O Lord on hye: geue helpe I praye: good lucke send speedely,



O blest be he: that comth as thus: in God the Lords good name,
To you as we: gods house that kepe: haue wisht good lucke & fame.


God is the Lord: and lightned vs: all health who luckly sendes,
Sprede bowes therfore: and bynde your hosts: with cords at alters endes


Thou art my God: whom thanke I will: whom I shall celebrate,
Thou art my God: to whom my laudes: I will whole dedicate.


O thanke and laude: the heauenly Lord: for he is gracious,
Because his loue: and mercy free: for euer standeth to vs.