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The poetical works of Robert Stephen Hawker

Edited from the original manuscripts and annotated copies together with a prefatory notice and bibliography by Alfred Wallis

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Star of the buskined goddess! chastely shining
Among the highborn children of the skies!
Thou'rt like the stolen glance of bashful eyes,
Making love, fear; and timidly divining
From half-breathed words the wish they dare not know.
Thou loveliest light that steals down from above!
And could'st thou tell young feeling not to love
Thy spirit-kindling smile? It is as though
The rose should whisper that she is not fair,
And scorn the amorous night-bird's vesper-prayer;
It is as if the summer wind should blow
Delayed with fragrance, and in pride declare
It breathes no sweetness. Beauty loves thy ray,
Fair star! for thou dost tremble in the sky
As if in fear lest some unholy eye
Should mock with wanton glance thy stainless way!