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By W. C. Bennett: New ed

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O the wild, wild winds have voices
That only that wife's ears hear;
One voice that wife rejoices,
While one but speaks of fear.
As she listens, the winds moan by,
And they tell of a prayed-for ship,
Of the look from a longed-for eye,
And the sound from a long-lost lip.
Now what does she hear them tell,
As, without, through the night they sweep?
Of his whaler speeding well
Home—home, o'er a waveless deep;
Yes, she hears in the winds a voice
That's telling how swift his ship
Speeds on, her heart to rejoice
With a kiss from his longed-for lip.


Now what do the wild gusts utter,
As, by, the night-winds moan?
Of tempest and wreck they mutter,
Of peril and death alone;
Of a bare hull swept before
The storm—of a foundering ship—
Of a face she shall see no more,
And a vainly longed-for lip.