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Lend me the key which opes the secret cells,
Where, in His words and works, the Godhead dwells.
As nearer we approach Him, all things throng
Vocal with heav'nly language, and a tongue
Speaking in figure, where the East descries
The glowing footsteps of th'unfolded skies.
By Chebar's flood, around the prophet come
Dread speaking faces, peopling all the gloom,
And Cherubim with Cherubim do ply
Their wheeling wings, and fiery shapes pass by.
Or, with the swiftness of a flying star,
He in Jerusalem is found afar.
Now Egypt, the great dragon, netted lies
'Mid his own waters; or the seas arise
O'er Tyre, the princely ship that walk'd the waves;
Now Lebanon's Cedar the strong tempest braves.
E'en now, as then, in images of fire
Men see the flashes of th'Almighty's ire,
Admire, and tremble not; they come around
And listen to the Church, as to the sound
Of a sweet lovely song, or tuneful reed,
And hear her awful voice, but do not heed.