University of Virginia Library



The tree that yearns with drooping crest
O'er some deep river's tranquil breast
At length grows downward, and is blest—
O Love, O Love, how long?
Belated birds at set of sun
Go sailing homeward one by one,
For sweets are earned when toil is done—
O Love, O Love, how long?
The creeper through the tangled maze
Of brushwood following lightless ways
Shall some day reach the unclouded rays—
O Love, O Love, how long?
The barque that strains with groaning mast
Though troubled seas and skies o'ercast
Shall sight the wished-for port at last—
O Love, O Love, how long?
The traveller spent by many a mile
Plods grimly on, yet knows the while
That all will end in one fond smile—
O Love, O Love, how long?
The hope of pleasure softens pain,
And if by suffering men attain,
A present loss is future gain—
O Love, O Love, how long?