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The History of Polindor and Flostella

With Other Poems. By I. H. [i.e. John Harington] The third Edition, Revised and much Enlarged

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Third Scean and last Springs beauteous face assum'd,
Banks drest with lovely'st Flow'rs, with Trees beplum'd;
Bright Founts like Ropes of Pearl, those banks ore-straying,
Or Chrystall Chains, Gems; danc'd (as 'twere) a Maying:
Whilst chirping Birds, with various-tuned Noats,
Heard, Chant it from those Wilder Champaign Grots.
Ith' furthest end Delicious Arbour showing,
God Hymen's Bow'r, still Rosie-fresh, new blowing:
From whence their Masquers came, Six comely Payr;
Carnation Sattin Robes, with Wreaths most fair
(Flow'r-deck'd) like Lovers; Rich, bespangled trimming;
Danc'd gracefull up, their formost Couple seeming
Th' whole World for gallant Personage t'excell,
Rate onely Two, Polindor and Flostel:
The Duke Ortheris Face whilst changing oft
Looks, colour both; most various-passion'd Draught.