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The Works of Mr Abraham Cowley

Consisting of Those which were formerly Printed: And Those which he Design'd for the Press, Now Published out of the Authors Original Copies ... The Text Edited by A. R. Waller

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The Wish.
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The Wish.


Well then; I now do plainly see,
This busie world and I shall ne're agree;
The very Honey of all earthly joy
Does of all meats the soonest cloy,


And they (methinks) deserve my pity,
Who for it can endure the stings,
The Crowd, and Buz, and Murmurings
Of this great Hive, the City.


Ah, yet, e're I descend to th' Grave
May I a small House, and large Garden have!
And a few Friends, and many Books, both true,
Both wise, and both delightful too!
And since Love ne're will from me flee,
A Mistress moderately fair,
And good as Guardian-Angels are,
Only belov'd, and loving me!


Oh, Fountains, when in you shall I
My self, eas'd of unpeaceful thoughts, espy?
Oh Fields! Oh Woods! when, when shall I be made
The happy Tenant of your shade?
Here's the Spring-head of Pleasures flood;
Where all the Riches lie, that she
Has coyn'd and stampt for good.


Pride and Ambition here,
Only in far fetcht Metaphors appear;
Here nought but winds can hurtful Murmurs scatter,
And nought but Eccho flatter.
The Gods, when they descended, hither
From Heav'en did always chuse their way;
And therefore we may boldly say,
That 'tis the way too thither.


How happy here should I,
And one dear She live, and embr[ac]ing dy?
She who is all the world, and can exclude
In desarts Solitude.
I should have then this only fear,
Lest men, when they my pleasures see,
Should hither throng to live like me,
And so make a City here.