University of Virginia Library

Psal. 143. Deus exaudi.

Psalmus Davidis.


Heare, Lord, my prayer, my suits entend,
which I for grace to thee,
And to thy faithfulnesse commend,
in justice answer me!


And enter not by judgements right,
thy servants sins to sound;
For justifi'd shall in thy sight,
not one that lives be found.


My soule, is by my foe pursu'd,
my life, to earth, lies smit:


Among the dead, for ever mew'd,
in darknesse set, to sit.


My spirit, within me spent, hath left
my understanding craz'd:
My troubled heart, of rest bereft,
amidst me lyes amaz'd.


I call to mind the daies of old,
on all thy worke I muse;
Thy deeds my serious thoughts behold,
what passe thy hands peruse.


To thee I stretch forth either hand,
thy help to entertaine:
My soule for thee, as weary land,
thirsts after welcome raine.



Haste Lord and heare, my spirit is done,
hide not thy face from me:
Like them that downe the pit are gone,
lest else made soon I be.


Thy morning mercy make me heare,
in thee I trust, to mee
The way I am to walke make cleere,
I list my soule to thee.


From my pursuing enemies,
O Lord, deliver me:
That where my safeties shelter lies,
for covert flie to thee.


Thou art my God, to doe thy will,
O make me understand,
To guide me, thy good Spirit instill,
where right commands the land.


And for that Names sake of thine owne,
thou, Lord, shalt quicken mee:
As for thy Justice thou art knowne,
my soule from pressure free.



Against my foes thy power employ,
make strong thy Mercies arme:
My soules distressors all destroy,
that me thy servant harme.