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The Southern harmony, and musical companion
containing a choice collection of tunes, hymns, psalms, odes, and anthems
[Young people all, attention give]
[Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched]
[Salvation! O the joyful sound]
[Thou Man of grief, remember me]
[To-day, if you will hear his voice]
[Come, humble sinner, in whose breast]
[O thou who hear'st when sinners cry]
[Mercy, O thou Son of David]
[Jesus, my all, to heav'n is gone]
[Children of the heav'nly King]
[Grace! 'tis a charming sound]
[Did Christ o'er sinner's weep]
[Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)]
[Lord I cannot let thee go]
[As on the cross the Saviour hung]
[Come, we that love the Lord]
[Am I a soldier of the cross]
[Jesus my all to heav'n is gone]
[How sweet the name of Jesus sounds]
[Lord, what is man, poor feeble man]
[Sweet is the day of sacred rest]
[Dear friends, farewell, I do you tell]
[O Thou in whose presence my soul takes delight]
[Hail the blest morn, see the great Mediator]
[Come away to the skies]
[Once more, my soul, the rising day]
[I am a great complainer, that bears the name of Christ]
[The time is swiftly rolling on]
[Welcome, welcome, ev'ry guest]
[How painfully pleasing the fond recollection]
[O come, loud anthems let us sing]
[So fades the lovely, blooming flow'r]
[Come, ye that love the Lord]
[Mercy, O thou Son of David]
[The faithless world promiscuous flows]
[Will God for ever cast us off]
[Saw ye my Saviour]
[When shall we all meet again]
[I love my blessed Saviour]
[My soul, repeat his praise]
[When I can read my title clear]
[Afflictions, though they seem severe]
[Remember, sinful youth, you must die, you must die]
[Our cheerful voices let us raise]
[And am I born to die]
[Teach me the measure of my days]
[When the midnight cry began, O what lamentation]
[Though troubles assail, and dangers affright]
[Come, O thou traveller unknown]
[Farewell, my dear brethren, the time is at hand]
[The cross of Christ inspires my heart]
[Farewell, my lovely friends, farewell]
[Bright scenes of glory strike my sense]
[I find myself placed in a state of probation]
[My Shepherd will supply my need]
[Who is this that comes from far]
[From whence does this union arise]
[Do not I love thee, O my Lord]
[No more beneath th' oppressive hand]
[The people called Christians]
[Glorious things of thee are spoken]
[Hark! don't you hear the turtle dove]
[While beauty and youth are in their full prime]
[Am I a soldier of the cross]
[The day is past and gone]
[Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings]
[Broad is the road that leads to death]
[Come, humble sinner, in whose breast]
[How lost was my condition]
[Through all the world below]
[On Jordan's stormy banks I stand]
[By Babel's streams we sat and wept]
[O when shall I see Jesus, and dwell with him above]
[He dies, the Friend of sinners dies]
[Oh! may I worthy prove to see]
[O, once I had a glorious view]
[Come all, who love my Lord and master]
[The chariot! the chariot! its wheels roll in fire]
[Come on, my partners in distress]
[O tell me no more of this world's vain store]
[In seasons of grief to my God I'll repair]
[Brethren, don't you hear the sound]
[Come, little children, now we may]
[There is a land of pleasure]
[Come, thou fount of ev'ry blessing]
[The watchmen blow the trumpet round]
[Religion is the chief concern]
[Dismiss us with thy blessing, Lord]
[No more beneath th' oppressive hand]
[How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord]
[To leave my dear friends, and with neighbors to part]
[How tedious and tasteless the hours]
[Return, O God of love, return]
[Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings]
[When in death I shall calm recline]
[A few more days on earth to spend]
[The time is soon coming]
[Why do we mourn departing friends]
[Blow ye the trumpet, blow]
[Ye nations all, on you I call. Come, near this declaration]
[Come, all you weary travellers]
[Jesus, thou art the sinner's friend]
[Come, Christians, be valiant, our Jesus is near us]
[Come, all ye young people of every relation]
[There was a Romish lady brought up in popery]
[Dark and thorny is the desert]
[Come, humble sinner, in whose breast]
[The day of the Lord—the day of salvation]
[A story most lovely I'll tell]
[Wake, Isles of the South! your redemption is near]
[Hail! ye sighing sons of sorrow]
[Come away to the skies, My beloved, arise]
[O tell me where the Dove has flown]
[There is a happy land]
[The Lord into his garden comes]
[O how I have long'd for the coming of God]
[Father, I long, I faint to see]
[Why should we start, or fear to die]
[And if you meet with troubles]
[Come, thou fount of every blessing]
[No more shall the sound of the war-whoop be heard]
[Soldiers, go, but not to claim]
[Young people all, attention give]
[He comes! he comes! to judge the world]
[My days, my weeks, my months, my years]
[I sing a song which doth belong to all the human race]
[Burst, ye emerald gates, and bring]
[How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord]
[Vain, delusive world, adieu]
[Brethren, we have met to worship]
[When I can read my title clear]
[Come and taste, along with me]
[I am a stranger here below]
[Shall men pretend to pleasure]
[And let this feeble body fail]
[Hark! hark! glad tidings charm our ears]
[There's a friend above all others]
[This world's not all a fleeting show]
[From Greenland's icy mountains]
[Say now, ye lovely social band]
[My Christian friends, in bonds of love]
[With inward pain my heartstrings sound]
[How splendid shines the morning star]
[Those happy spirits, &c.]
[Hark! the jubilee is sounding]
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The Southern harmony, and musical companion
[Let sinners take their course]
The following poem is scored for music in the source text.
Let sinners take their course,
And choose the road to death;
But in the worship of my God,
I'll spend my daily breath.
The Southern harmony, and musical companion