University of Virginia Library



Lord over all, if Thou hast made,
Hast ransom'd every soul of man,
Why is the grace so long delay'd,
Why unfulfill'd the saving plan,
The bliss for Adam's race design'd,
When will it reach to all mankind?
Art Thou the God of Jews alone,
And not the God of Gentiles too?
To Gentiles make Thy goodness known,
Thy judgment to the nations show,
Awake them by the gospel call,
Light of the world, illumine all.
The servile progeny of Ham
Seize as the purchase of Thy blood,
Let all the heathen know Thy name;
From idols to the living God
The dark Americans convert,
And shine in every Pagan heart.
As lightning launch'd from east to west,
The coming of Thy kingdom be,
To Thee by angel hosts confess'd,
Bow every soul and every knee,
Thy glory let all flesh behold,
And then fill up Thy heavenly fold.