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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Page 473

Article II. Chief and Lieutenants.

Sec. 23-11. Chief—Powers and duties generally.[378]

The chief of police shall be the chief executive of the police
department, but he shall always be subject to the orders and
regulations of the city manager and the city council. He shall
be under the control of the city manager and the city council
for the purpose of enforcing peace and order and executing
the laws of the state and ordinances of the city, and it shall
be the duty of the police force to respect and obey orders of
the chief not in conflict with this chapter. It shall be his duty
at all times, day or night, to preserve the public peace, prevent
the commission of crimes and arrest offenders; to protect
the rights of persons and property; to regard the public
health; to report nuisances in the streets and other places; to
provide a proper police force at fires and to protect the firemen
and property thereat; to discharge such other duties as
may be required of him by the city council. When charges are
filed in his office against any member of the police force, or
when he shall be informed of any gross neglect of duty, he
shall immediately transmit the same to the city manager, together
with the names of the witnesses to be subpoenaed, that
the charges may be investigated by council.

He shall be responsible for the good order of the city and


Page 474
for the general good conduct of the men and officers of the
police force. He shall pay frequent visits at uncertain hours
to various portions of the city and thus be able to supervise
the conduct of all subordinates.

He shall cause to be served all processes directed to him
by a justice of the peace and the judge of the municipal court
and all orders of the city manager.

In addition to his other duties, the chief or his designated
representative shall attend all meetings of the council and act
as sergeant-at-arms and doorkeeper. (Code 1959, § 23-11.)


As to granting permits for the purchase of explosives, see § 11-12
of this Code. As to supervision of traffic and regulatory powers in
respect thereto, see §§ 18-2, 18-3. As to authority with respect to parking
regulations, see § 18-68. As to parking meters, see §§ 18-82 to 18-93.
As to decreasing weight limit of vehicles upon streets, see § 18-146.
As to permits for vehicles of excessive size and weight, see § 18-147.
As to granting permission to distribute handbills, posters, etc., see §
19-3. As to approving bond given by carnivals and like exhibitions, see
§ 19-17. As to reports by pawnbrokers, junk and secondhand dealers to
chief of police, see § 19-55. As to duties relative to sale of firearms, see
§§ 19-85.1, 19-85.2. As to approval of location of bicycle racks on
sidewalks, see § 30-33. As to notice to owners or occupants of premises
on which holes, depressions, etc., below grade of street exist, see § 3050.
As to powers and duties in regard to registration of vehicles for
hire and drivers thereof, see §§ 32-2, 32-3. As to deposit with chief of
insurance policies or certificates required of taxicab operators, see §
32-4. As to assisting in enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance, see § 70
of Appendix II in this volume.

Sec. 23-12. Same—Records and reports.

The chief of police shall keep records showing the name of
every officer and man connected with the police force, the district
in which stationed from day to day, the place of residence,
the date of appointment and time of removal and the
happening of any vacancies, also reports of officers under his

He shall make a report in writing to the members of the
city council and the city manager daily, showing the condition
of the police force, the number of times each policeman has
been absent and the cause of such absence, the condition of
the station house, the number of arrests and the causes of
same and the number of ordinance violations reported. He
shall keep a record, compiled by himself and the first and second
lieutenants, of the work of each policeman, showing marks
of merit or demerit, and shall be prepared to explain each
mark of demerit that he recorded and what action has been
taken by him, with reference to such mark of demerit, with
the policeman so demerited.

He shall make a daily report to the members of the city
council and the city manager, showing the name of the person,
the offense with which he is charged, the officer by whom arrested
and the magistrate before whom tried and the penalty
given, both fines and jail sentences.

On the first day of each month, or as soon thereafter as
practicable, he shall furnish the city manager with a consolidated
written report of the activities of his department for the
previous month.

Forms for the above reports shall be prepared and furnished
by the city manager. (Code 1959, § 23-12.)


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Sec. 23-13. Same—Suspending subordinates from duty.

For sleeping on his beat, any neglect of duty or any violation
of rules and regulations appearing in this chapter, the
chief of police may suspend from duty any subordinate until
the offense can be reported to the city manager, with the cause
and facts on which the suspension is ordered. (Code 1959, §

Sec. 23-14. Same—Furnishing information to city manager.

It shall be the duty of the chief of police forthwith to communicate
to the city manager any information from the daily
reports of patrolmen or others in regard to streets, lights and
other matters which will be of use to the city manager in the
administration of his office. (Code 1959, § 23-14.)

Sec. 23-15. Same—Absence or sickness.

The chief of police shall not leave the city unless he shall
first receive permission to do so from the city manager. When
such permission is granted, or in case of his sickness, he shall
designate an officer as acting chief of police during his absence.
The foregoing provisions of this section shall not apply
when it may become necessary to leave the city hurriedly on
business directly connected with the police department. (Code
1959, § 23-15.)

Sec. 23-16. Lieutenant—Duties generally.

The lieutenant of police must obey promptly all orders of
the chief and note every case of misconduct or neglect of duty
on the part of any policemen and report the same to the chief.
(Code 1959, § 23-16.)

Sec. 23-17. Same—Visiting beats.

The lieutenants shall, if possible, see each man of his beat
without calling, but should they not be able to find him, the
call shall be given in the center and on each extremity of the
beat, and if unable then to find the man they are in search of,
they shall report to the chief the name of the man and the
cause of absence, if ascertainable. (Code 1959, § 23-17.)


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Sec. 23-18. Same—Inspecting policemen at roll call.

The lieutenants, at roll call, shall inspect each and every
policeman and be particular in noting that the dress is clean
and the badge in the proper place, that they have their batons
and pistols in proper order and that they are properly and
sufficiently attired and fit, and the lieutenants shall report to
the chief. (Code 1959, § 23-18.)

Sec. 23-19. Power of chief or lieutenants to accept bail.

The chief of police or his lieutenants shall have the power
to bail any person arrested and charged with a misdemeanor,
to appear at the next term of the municipal court, provided
sufficient security is furnished. (Code 1959, § 23-19.)