THE SPANISH AND ENGLISH CORONATIONS Adventures and Letters of Richard Harding Davis | ||
11, St. James's Place,
St. James's Street, S. W.
June, 1902.
This is only to say that at the Kipling's we heard the
news, and being two newspaper men, refused to believe it and
went to the postoffice of the little village to call up
Brighton on the 'phone. It was very dramatic,
At Marion.
[Description: Grayscale photograph of a man sitting on a wall of
rocks accompanied by two dogs.]
During the summer of 1903 my mother and father occupied a cottage at Marion, and every morning Richard started the day by a visit to them. My brother had already bought his Crossroads Farm at Mount Kisco, and the new house was one of the favorite topics of their talk. The following letter was written by my mother to Richard, after her return to Philadelphia.
THE SPANISH AND ENGLISH CORONATIONS Adventures and Letters of Richard Harding Davis | ||