University of Virginia Library

St. Philip and St. James's Day.

“Following the footsteps of thy holy Apostles St. Philip and St. James.” Collect for the Day.

Church of the living God! thou hast not lost
(As human temple for the Holy Ghost)
Thine awful privilege on earth to be
The sacramental home of Deity
Where in the tones of His omniscient Word
The echoes of Emanuel's heart are heard,
And mortal language serves but to conceal
That mystic Presence rapt adorers feel.
Still by those Creeds in which Apostles thought
Consenting harmonies of truth are sought;
While Paul and Peter, James and loved St. John
Cast their bright crowns before th' Incarnate One.
And privileg'd beyond compare are those
Who on those doctrines of their Lord repose
Celestial authors in the Scripture teach,—
Who loved to practise what they lived to preach.


Pure christianity is God in man
Which Christ Himself in human souls began;
Whose germs, unfolded by maturing time,
At length expand in character sublime.
Thou inward Teacher of the Truth, and Way!
Deep is the lore Thy scholars learn to-day
If with receptive hearts our Cross we take
And meekly bear it, for the Master's sake.
Since, what are heroes in the church enshrin'd,
But types and tokens of that saintly Mind,—
Of calm submission or composèd will,
The world should witness in our conduct, still.
Oh, for a spirit, like to that which cried
(What Angel can?) “my Love was crucified!”
And felt, beneath affliction's blasting rod,
That grief was glory when endured for God.
So is it now, if, Lord of yielded souls,
The viewless sceptre of Thy grace controls
Each pulse regen'rate, which in praise or prayer
Throbs with that life Thy Spirit wakens, there.
Nerv'd with new force, may apostolic flames
Burn in each breast, like those which fired St. James;
And back to earth those peerless times recall
When Life seem'd nothing, save the Lord was all.

Compare 1 Cor. iii. 16, with 2 Cor. vi. 16.

1 Col. i. 27.