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Mirth and Metre

consisting of Poems, Serious, Humorous, and Satirical; Songs, Sonnets, Ballads & Bagatelles. Written by C. Dibdin, Jun

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We're told that the French to invade us intend,
And no wonder if Bonaparte's madness thus end,
For the man is most likely, it must be allow'd,
In the air to build castles who lives at St. Cloud.
Tol de rol.
They'll come, we are told, or fame makes a faux pas,
In balloons, to be fill'd with the smoke of burnt straw,
And it's quite a-pro-pos that a plan without joke,
Which is founded in vapour should finish in smoke.
Tol de rol.
Then some say they'll come here in flat-bottom'd boats,
To reap a good harvest, and sow their wild oats;
But the harvest they fancy to reap will be smash'd,
And their oats and themselves get confoundedly thrash'd.
Tol de rol.
But how to get here the French needn't take pains,
To project this or that way, or puzzle their brains;


Let them once put to sea, and they'll soon find escorts,
For our sailors will pilot them into our ports.
Tol de rol.
As a proof that they'll come, the French ev'ry day toast,
“That Frenchman who first sets his foot on our coast;”
But he'll not keep his footing, I'll wager a crown,
So let us toast “the Briton that first knocks him down.”
Tol de rol, &c.