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Nou is þer water here an eorþe wel more þanne of þe londe
For som se wiþoute mo is more as ich vnderstonde
For þe grete se of occean inis on ende iwis
Is more þanne þe eorþe be[o] and wonder non it nis
For aboute al eorþe he geþ and abrod is þerto
As þe wite geþ aboute þe ȝolke & more is also
Ech oþer se among us ne be[o] he so gret non
Nis bote a lyme of þulke se þerinne hi goþ echon
Wellen comeþ of grete wateres and muche del of þe se
Þoru ueines al vnder eorþe to þe se wendeþ aȝe
For þere beoþ as it veines were bineþe eorþe manion
Þat tilleþ out of þe se and to wellen goþ echon
Þer þoru eorneþ þe wateres faste aboute fram þe seo
And at welles springeþ out & eft hi turneþ aȝe
And as swuþe as eche water comþ to þe se inis ende
To þe grete se of occean as suþþe it deþ wende
Þer uore al þe wateres þat to þe se doþ gon
Þe se mot euere nede be[o] as euere mo bi on
Þat he floweþ ofte & ebbeþ and wexeþ in a þrowe
Þat is þoru kunde of þe mone & riȝt noȝt of hure owe