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& pitosliche hom sulue wende out atte laste
& þe doren after hom wepinde loke vaste
& binome al cristindom þe holi time alas
Hou miȝte be of cristinmen more wo þan þis was
Þe king þo as vor wraþþe wod let nime in is hond
Alle þe erchebissopes god þat he vond in þis lond
Maners & oþer þing & is medes let mowe
& vorbed þat me ne ssolde non of is lond sowe
Persones þing he solde men þat mest wolde þeruore ȝiue
Þat hii nadde þer of nout bote vnneþe hor biliue
& hor bernes dores acelede & al clene out hom caste
Þe bissopes þo in hor alf amansede vaste
Alle þat suich dede dude king & quene boþe
& hor Iustizes ek þo were þer manie wroþe
Þe bissop of londone of eli of roucestre
& þe bissop of hereuorde & þe bissop of wurcestre
Of þis mansinge were principals & susteinede it vaste
& wende uort it betere were ouer se atte laste
Alle clerkene lefmen in prisoun þe king brouȝte
Vort at is owe wille hor maistres hom out bouȝte
So þat in ech half sorwe ynou þer com
Ac þe meste was alas þat þer nas no cristendom
Þe king þo he sey þe wo þat was in his londe
To þe erchebissop he sende over se is sonde


Þat he come in to þis lond ac as erchebissop nout
To speke so þat þut lond in þe betere were ibrouȝt
Ac þe erchebissop nolde come vor it ne ssolde amounti noȝt
Ac þre bissopes wende vor to fondi is þoȝt
Þe bissop of wurcetre of eli of londone
Ac þo hii come hii nadde of him bote is olde wone
Glosinde wordes & false so þat hii wende aȝe
& hor wey hulde uorlore & bileuede biȝonde se
Þe king of alimayne sende specialliche inou
To king Ion þat he wiþdrowe him of is wou
& vnderuenge þe erchebissop & holichurche al clene
Lete abbe ir franchise & al nas wurþ a bene
Þe king suþþe mildeliche to þe erchebissop sende
Þat he bote he verrore wolde to douere to him wende
To vinde him gode borewes & sauf condut al so
To bringe him sulf eft aȝen so þat it was ido