University of Virginia Library

Of the force of Beauty, ioyn'd with pompe, and Maiesty.

Epi. 140.

Marcus Antonius (as Plutarch shoes)
Commanding Cleopatra to appeare
Before him (sith she succored his foes)
She came in pompe (as one that had no Peere)
Along the Riuer Cydnus in a Gallion,
The Poope whereof was all of masty Gold;
And vnderneath the like most rich Pauillion
She lay her selfe, more rich a thousand fold.
Surrounded with sweet Singers; and, with all,
The heau'nlist Instruments that Songs could grace;
Her Seruants clad in Robes maiesticall
Brodred with Pearle, t'wixt richest Golden-lace,
Thus came she gliding, on the Siluer Streame,
Forced with siluer Oares, and silken Sailes;
(Crowned her selfe with deerest Diadem)
Towards Anthony; with whom she so preuailes
That she Captiu'd him, being Conquerour;
For, she on Beauties Priuiledge did stand
(Consorted with this Wealth, Port, Pompe & Pow'r)
That She Commands him, that did her Command.
But though she made this Pagan much transgesse;
Some Saints in shew, do oft much worse with lesse!