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Section 6.8 Accurate Records and Accounts.

The University covenants that it will keep accurate records and accounts of all items of cost and of all expenditures relating to Pledged Revenues collected and the application of such Pledged Revenues.

The University further covenants that it will cause to be filed not later than the end of the ninth month following the close of each Fiscal Year mailed to all Noteholders who shall have filed their names and addresses with the Secretary of the Board for such purpose a report, signed by the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the University and by the Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts or by an independent certified public accountant or firm of certified public accountants to be approved by the Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts, setting forth for the preceding Fiscal Year, in reasonable detail, the financial condition of the University, including its statement of net assets as of the end of the preceding Fiscal Year and the related statements of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets and statement of cash flows for the preceding Fiscal Year.