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A Præparatiue Court held for Virginia in the Afternoone on Wedensday the 28th Ianua: i621

A Præparatiue Court held for Virginia in the Afternoone
on Wedensday the 28th Ianua:

Sr Io Dãuers.  mr Copland.  mr Barbor
Sr Io: Wolstenholme.  mr Balmford.  mr Waterhowse. 
mr Deputy.  mr Ewens.  mr Nicholls. 
mr Wrote.  mr Widdowes.  mr Essington. 
mr Wheatly.  mr Mellinge.  mr Meuerell. 
mr Caswell.  mr Cuffe.  mr Swinhowe. 
mr Kightley.  mr Bull.  mr Leat. 
mr Viner.  mr Hackett.  mr Shipton ∥wth
diuers others∥ 
mr Roberts. 

The Patentℯ formerly ordered to be drawne vp were nowe presented
to the Court to be read vizt.

A Patent to Sr Geo: Yeardley and his Associatℯ who
being an Aduenturer vndertake to transport 
300 p̱sons 
The second to mr Leueson Aduent̃ vndertakinge to
A third to Capt: Nath: Basse and his Associatℯ  100 
A fourth to Capt: Wm Welden a Plant̃ vndertakinge to
A fift to mr Caps a Planter vndertaking to transport  100 
A sixt to Henry Southey of Rimpton in Som̃ersett sheire
a Planter vndertakinge to transport 
in all  800 p̱sons 

Wch Patentℯ beinge examined and read were put to the question and
by ereccon of handℯ approued of and recom̃ended to this next Quartr
Court to passe the Soale of the Companie.


The Patent likewise for Martins Hundred was also appointed to be
drawne vp against the next Quarter Court and the Companie entreated
to meet in the forenoone to examine the same that it might be ready
to pass the Seale with the other Patentℯ. [308]

A letter was brought to the Court by an vnknowne p̱son directed to
the Honoble Companie of Virginia, contentℯ whereof are sett downe
verbatim in the Quarter Court followinge this.

Wch Letter beinge read the Companie did much reioyce to heare that
it had pleased God still to stirr vp so worthie a benifactor vnto the
Plantation: And because the said Letter contayned some matter of
waight in it, This Court thought fitt to referr it to the considerac̃on
of the Quarter Court when the Companie were desired (accordinge to
the request of the said Letter) to giue some Account howe the said
first money was imployed for the better satisfacc̃on of the Donor.

Mr Waterhowse presented in writinge the Aunsweares of such as he
had solicited for moneys due vpon their subscripc̃on vnto the Com-
panie, by wch it appeared that diuers had Acquittances to showe for
payment of those moneys they are charged with, and some others
desired time to consider thereof The Court thought fitt to recomend
it to the Auditors to take such course therein as they should see cause:
Wherevpon Sr Io: Dãuers signified that he had moued my Lord
Keeper for the Assistance of his Lps Letter vnto such as should
refuse to paye in their moneys due vpon subscripc̃on to the Companie
And that it pleased his lp: to promise §his lr̃es§ should be ready if
occasion were offered.

And in reguard mr Waterhowse had taken great paines about solicit-
inge for moneys and had giuen so good an Account of what he had
already donn It was vpon moc̃on thought fitt to bestowe vpon him
two shares of land old Aduenture wch beinge put to the question was
well approued of.

The like reward of two Shares of land was thought fitt to be bestowed
on mr Balmeford in respect of his often attendance at Courtℯ and


Desire to doe the Companie seruice wch was also approued and there-
vpon as the other referred to the Quarter Court for confirmac̃on.

Notice was giuen that mr Euans produced Billℯ of Aduenture for fiue
shares of land whereas in the printed booke he was sett downe but
fower to rectifie wch the Court gaue order to the Secretary to note this
Defect in his Alphabetticall booke: And for somuch as mr Euans
desired to passe two of his said Shares vnto mr Tho: Newton, the
Aditors hauing allowed thereof the Court was pleased likewise to giue
their approbac̃on. [309]

Intelligence was also giuen that one mr Tho: Leuison (beinge the
gentleman that thath nowe taken a Patent for a p̱ticuler Plantac̃on)
did make it appeare by his seuerall Billℯ of Aduenture vnder the
Companies Seale that there was Due vnto mr ∥Wm∥ Leuison his
ffather deceased seauen Shares of land for moneys paid into the Treas-
ury whereas in the printed booke he had but three sett downe so that
fower of his Shares were cleane left out whereof the Secrẽ was willed
to take notice.

Mr Deputy signified that mr Copland hauing had some shares of land
bestowed vpon him by the last Quarter Court in reward of his good
desertℯ, did nowe moue that he might haue his said Shares confirmed
vnto him vnder the Companies Seale with allowance of fiftie acres
for euery person that he and his Associatℯ shall transport with such
other priuiledges and ym̃unities as shalbe thought fitt and necessarie
wch moc̃on was well approued of and order giuen to the Secrẽ to drawe
an Instrument against the Quarter Court to that purpose: Where-
vpon it was also moued and thought fitt that this fauor should be
extended generally to all that should desire the same that their landℯ
might be confirmed vnto them vnder the Companies Seale.

Mr Deputy signified that mr Leat Minister beinge formerly appointed
to preach this last Sum̃er in St Scyths Church vpon a Text that was
giuen him §had nowe p̱formed the same§ with good approbac̃on and
beinge still desirous to goe to Virginia and to be recomended to the


Gouernor for the next place that shall become voide; he praid they
would please to take his request into their considerac̃on and that he
might haue some gratuity bestowed vpon him to furnish him wth nec-
essaries Wch request the Court conceaued to be verie reasonable and
therevpon agreed to giue him 20li to furnish him with bookℯ and
Apparrell and to paye for his transportac̃on.

Mr Deputy signified that whereas order was giuen for drawing vp a
Patent for the Sum̃er Ilandℯ Companie for confirminge the landℯ
graunted vnto them in Virginia touchinge wch mr Robert Smith had
taken some paines to make a Draft who desired Sr Edwin Sandys to
p̱vse the same: But Sr Edwin hauinge much buissines of the Com-
panies had no spare time as yet to examine the same So as they must
nowe respite it till the next till the next Qr Court when it shalbe made
ready for the seale.

Henry Mansell hauinge pretended in his petic̃on to my Lo Keeper
that the Virginia Companie stood indebted vnto him aboue 60li due
about six or seauen yeares since was willed to be present at this Court
But for somuch as he came §not§ it was thought fitt he should referr
him selfe to the Quarter Court to make it appeare howe the said Debt
came due vnto him. [310]

And for somuch as mr Caninge at the last Sum̃er Ilandℯ Court pre-
tended the Virginia Companie to be much indebted vnto him, was
entreated to be here at this Court to make the said Debt appeare, but
seinge he is not come, this Court thought fitt to recom̃ed it to the
Quarter Court to appoint some Com̃ittee to examine his Accountℯ that
what shall appeare to be due may be Discharged.

Mr Kightley beinge one of the Aduenturers §Auditors for the old
Magazine§ moued that for somuch as in the Auditinge of the Maga-
zine §Accountℯ§ he had taken notice[1050] of some thingℯ of moment fitt to
be made knowne in reguard he found many good Debtℯ due vnto the
Companie that therefore there might be a meetinge of the Magazine


Aduenturers to take Account what had bin donn by the afore said
Auditors wch moc̃on was well approued of and agreed to meet vpon
Friday in the Afternoone at mr Deputy ffarrars.

A moc̃on was made that a speciall Com̃ittee might be appointed by
order of the next Quarter Court that might haue power to treat and
contract wth such as should offer to send young youthes and to be at
part of the charge to Virginia, wch moc̃on was well approued of and
therevpon these followinge were named vizt

Sr Edwin Sandys. 
Sr Io: Dãuers. 
mr Deputy. 
mr Wrote. 
mr Gibbs. 

And for somuch as it was signified by mr Deputy that mr Recorder of
this Citty was ready to doe good Offices for the Companie in this kinde
by procuringe Children to be sent out of this Citty to Virginia vpon
reasonable Termes, it was desired that Sr Edwin Sandys would please
to giue him thankℯ in the name of the Company for his forwardnes

Vpon the presentinge of mr ffarrars Accountℯ touchinge the glasse
buissines wch beinge audited were much com̃ended for the exact forme
thereof, a moc̃on was made that both a Coppie of this and all other
Accountℯ of priuate Aduenturers and Vndertakers for the aduance-
ment of publique workℯ for the Colony might be kept in ye Companies
Chest to the end ye memory of those that were the first Aduenturers
and founders of so worthie designes might be preserued vnto their

The Rolls for sendinge of Maydℯ and for the trad of ffurrs & for the
Boatwrightℯ & howse Carpenters did nowe lye open in Court for
Aduenturers that pleased to vnderwrite. [311]


Originally written "taking notice."