University of Virginia Library


Lorenzo, Julian, Guglielmo.
Go; if thou carest for thy son, pursue him:
To adapt his conduct better to the times
Instruct him; and to this do thou thyself,
By thy example, aid him. Equally
With him indeed thou hatest us, yet thou
Hast yielded to us, and dost yield. Engraft
Thy own discretion on his headstrong will.
I do not e'en pretend regard for you;
I'll have ye feign'd; and nothing it annoys me.
Haste, but obey; and yet obeying, tremble.
Go thou, and tell to this thy mountebank,
And pigmy Brutus, that his prototype,
The real Brutus, fell in vain with Rome.

I see my son's incautious. Yet I always
Applied to him a father's wise reproofs;
I preach endurance, but he learns it not.
This is an art to which we've not been used:
Failings of youth are worthy of excuse;


He will amend.—But thou, oh Julian, thou
Who art with honours and prosperity
Somewhat less drunken, mollify thy brother;
And make him recollect, that if a Brutus
Fail'd to regenerate Rome, yet many others
Were sacrificed ere Rome and Brutus fell.