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King, Videna, Dunwarro, Ferrex, Porreo, with the several Dukes, Dordan, and others, discovered seated.
This crown having between you parted, sons,
Jove grant ye wear it well!

That wit were well,
Methinks, that could demonstrate, mathematically,
How two heads might, at once and in two places,
Sport the same cap.

Please now, your majesty,
Were it not seemly at this solemn tide,
A licence, by late manners ill permitted,
As my poor judgment goes, were mute for once?

Dordan, we need not thee. Go forth!
[Exit Dordan with a dejected air.
Yet apt it was
What he propounded—but herein have we
Provision made. To Porreo we can lend
This iron crown; while, Ferrex, for thy brow
The golden round preparing we reserve,
As to the elder due.

My royal Lord—
'Twere ominous to superstitious mind,
The younger should to full possession come,
While the duped elder, for his unreft half,
Should hold it only in reversion still.

Fair Queen,—why, with a mind foretelling evil,
Division make where peace makes one of twain?


Mother—misdoubt me not.
Nor need I care my brother now were crowned;
Waiting would gain my brows the richer show.
Pledge me, good brother; give me of thy cup,
And take thou mine. Thus, to the bottom, I
Drink to thy health, in love for thee as true
As thine for me.

My love for thee has been
In no faint show avouched—nor am I slack
To meet thy pledge. Thus, then—

[As he is about to drink, Marcella enters, and taking the cup from his hand, pours forth its contents on the ground.]
Pernicious draught!
Sink to the centre! Shudder not, O earth!
As deep into thy veins the venom filters!

[All rise.

Fair Marcella! wherefore this?

(pointing to Porreo).
Ask him!—If in his eye no conscience lingers,
Then he is guiltless—

Me? Why question me?
What magic's round me? influence in the air
To madden men and maids?

I know not, Porreo,
Whether assumed, or not, this wonder be;
But take this maid with thee unto thy realm,
As queen of thine estate, and part we now
As brothers should.

O, never, never!

She says well—
Never! Take her to thee who, with witch-charms,
Hast snared a heart her choice had pledged to me!

Gods! Whence has grown this strife? Retire, Marcella!
[Dunwarro and Marcella withdraw up the stage.


Are ye my sons? Am I your father, late
So happy in your loves? Which of you woos
Dunwarro's daughter?

She is Porreo's bride!

'Tis false! She is thy mistress!

But I grow wroth! This jealousy doth lack
All basis for its standing. In my presence
The maid has walked, as if Diana's self;
And Ferrex' honour is a priceless gem!
Thy father is a witness for them both!
What! think'st thou that the court of Trinovant
Is as a Carthaginian cave, for sheltering
Impatient lovers in a thunder-storm?
Come—come! I see the manners of the coast
Blind thee to ours. We live not here, as they
Who couch among the rocks that barrier
The liberal tide of ocean. Thou must learn
To know us better, Porreo! Nor think, now,
I chide thee. 'Twas my fault that suffered thee
To grow up far away from our acquaintance,
Which soon will give thee cause to mend opinion
Too suddenly conceived.

I do begin
To see my error. I confess my failing.
But I'm of hasty mood, and must be doing.
Would I were north o' the Humber! Business there
Would drive these fancies from me!

Heaven speed thee!
We doubt it nothing. Now, Videna, come—
Our state shall pass from toil and travail free,
Of royal care unrobed . . a fiery vest,
Such as besieged Alcides with hot pains—
These we are quit of!

May the gods forfend,
That seeking peace too soon, we haste not on the end

[Exeunt all.