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A Tragedy, In Five Acts

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A spacious court with a magnificent building in front; a great concourse of people are discovered as if waiting in expectation of some sight.
1st crowd.

The court is marvellously long of
breaking up; I'm tired of waiting; and yet I don't
like to lose the sight, after having stayed so long
for it.

2d crowd.

I fear it will go hard with the young man.

3d crowd.

I fear it will, poor gentleman!

Woman crowd.

Ah! poor young man! it is an awful end.

2d crowd.

Ay, I remember well the last criminal
that was condemned here; a strong-built man he
was, though somewhat up in years. O, how pale
he looked as they led him out from court! I think
I stood upon this very spot as he passed by me;
and the fixed strong look of his features too—it
was a piteous sight!

3d crowd.

Ah, man! but that was nothing to the
execution. I paid half a dollar for a place near
the scaffold; and it would have made any body's
heart drop blood to have seen him when he lifted
up the handkerchief from his eyes, and took his
last look of the day-light, and all the living creatures
about him.

2d crowd.

Ay, man, that a human creature should
be thus thrust out of the world by human creatures
like himself; it is a piteous thing?

Enter a man from the court.
Omnes (eagerly).

What news? what news of the prisoner?


He has just finished his defence, in which
he has acquitted himself so nobly, setting off his
words too with such a manly grace, that it is thought
by every body he will be set free.

2d crowd.

Indeed! I should not have expected this now; spoke so nobly, sayst thou?

1st crowd.

Yes, yes, noble blood makes noble speaking.

Woman crowd.

Well, and is it not best so? poor young man! I'm sure I'm glad of it.

1st crowd.

And aint I so too, milk-faced doll!
though I hate to be kept so long staring for nothing.
I wonder what brought me here in a murrain to it!

2d woman.

La! then we sha'n't see him pass by with the chains upon his legs.

1st crowd.

No, no! nor nothing at all. Come,
let me pass, I have been too long here. (Pressing

through the crowd to get out.)

Woman crowd.

O, you tread upon my toes!

1st crowd.

Devil take you and your toes both! can't you keep them out of people's way then?

Woman crowd.

Plague take it! what had we all to do to come here like so many fools!

Enter a second man from the court.
2d crowd.

Here comes another man from the
court. (Calling to the man.)
Ho, friend! is he acquitted

2d man.

No, nor like to be; the judge is just
about to pronounce sentence upon him, but something
came so cold over my heart, I could not stay
to hear it.

[Several of the mob climb eagerly up upon the walls of the building, and look in at the uindows.
Crowd (below).

What do you see there, sirs?

Crowd (above).

The judge is just risen from his seat, and the black signal is lifted up.


Hush! hush! and let us listen!

[A deep parst.

Sentence is passed now.


God have mercy on him!

3d crowd.

I would not wear my head upon his shoulders for all the prince's coffers.

1st crowd.

Alas! poor man! he is but a youth.

2d crowd.

Yet he must be cut off in the flower of his days.

1st crowd.

It is an awful thing!

Woman crowd.

Ah! but a youth, and a goodly-looking youth too, I warrant ye.

2d woman.

Alack a-day! many a one falls into crimes, but all do not pay the forfeit.

3d crowd.

Ha! who comes this way so fair and
so gentle in her mien; thus toss'd and 'tanglel
amidst the pressing crowd, like a stalk of will
flower in a bed of nettles? Come, clear the way
there, and let the lady pass.


Enter Elizabeth, attended by Richard, the crowd making way for her.

I'm much obliged to you.


We thank you, good sirs! My mistress
and I are both strangers in this town, and the
nearest way to your best inn, as we are told, is
through this court; but the crowd is so great I think
we had better turn back again.


What is the meaning of this eager multitude,
So gather'd round the entry to this palace?

3d crowd.

It is no palace, madam, but a public
court: there is a gentleman of noble birth who is
just now condemned to death for murder, and we
are waiting to see him led forth from his trial; you
had better stop a little while and see the sight too.


O, no! I'm come here in an evil hour!—
A gentleman of noble birth—Alas! but that the
crime is murder, 'twere most piteous.


There he comes! see, see! there he comes!

Enter Rayner, fettered and guarded, from the court, followed by Bertram and others, and advances slowly towards the front of the stage, the crowd opening and making a lane for him on every side.
1st crowd.
What a noble gait he has even in his shackles!

2d crowd.
Oh! oh! that such a man should come to this!

(after gazing eagerly at the distant prisoner).
Merciful heaven! the form has strong resemblance.

Sweet mistress, be not terrified with forms;
'Tis but a distant form.

Ha! then it strikes thee too!—Merciful God!

Patience, dear madam! now as he advances,
We shall be certified of the deception.
Rayner is not so tall as this young man,
Nor of a make so slender; no, nor yet—

Peace, peace! for he advances.

[Watching the prisoner as he advances with a countenance of distracted eagerness, till he comes near her; then, uttering a loud shriek, falls down, and is supported by Richard and several of the crowd.
(conducting Rayner).
What fainting maid is this obstructs the way?
Let not the crowd so closely press around her.
Open the way, and let the pris'ner pass.

(upon the crowd opening and discovering Elizabeth).
O, sight of misery! my Elizabeth!
The last and fellest stroke of angry heav'n
Falls on this cursed head.

What may this mean? let us pass on: we stop not,
Whate'er betide.

Nay, but you do: for here there is a power
Stronger than law or judgment. Give me way:
It is permitted me by ev'ry sense
Of human sympathy, were I e'en bound
With chains tenfold enlock'd.
[Bending over Elizabeth.
Thou loveliest and thou dearest! O thou part
Of my most inmost self! art thou thus stricken?
Falls this stroke on thee?
[Kneeling down and endeavouring to support her, but finding himself prevented by his chain.
Is there not strength in the soul's agony
To burst e'en bands of iron?
[Trying furiously to burst his fetters, but cannot; then, with a subdued voice,
Am I indeed a base condemned wretch,
Cut off from ev'ry claim and tie of nature?
[Turning to the officer.
Thou who dost wear the law's authority,
May it not be permitted for the love
Of piteous charity?—Shall strangers' hands
Whilst I am thus—O, do not let it be!

No, no! move on: it cannot be permitted.

(fiercely roused).
What, sayst thou so?
[Turning to the crowd.
Ye who surround me, too,
Each with the form and countenance of a man,
Say ye 'tis not permitted?
To you I do stretch forth these fetter'd hands,
And call you men: O, let me not miscall you!

Voices from the crowd.
Fie on't! unbind his hands, unbind his hands,
And we will stand his sureties.

(stepping forward in a supplicating posture to the officer).
Do but unbind his hands a little space,
And shoot me through the head if he escape.
My arm secured him; be my recompense
This one request.

(to Bertram).
Go to; thou art a brave man, but a weak one. (To the guard.)

Move on: we halt no longer.

By all good saints we stand by the brave Bertram,
And he shall be unshackled.

Soldiers, present your muskets to these madmen,
And let them speak; the pris'ner halts no longer;
Move on.

[A tumult between the crowd and the guard, and Rayner is forced off the stage by the soldiers.
1st crowd.

Shame light on such hard-hearted cruelty!

2d crowd.

If there had been but six of us with
arms in our hands he durst not have put this affront
upon us.

3d crowd.

But who looks to the lady? She is
amongst strangers it seems, and has only this poor
old man to take care of her.



We will take care of her then; we will
take care of her: ay, and she shall be waited upon
like an empress.

2d crowd.

Ay, so she shall, let the cost be what
it will. I am only a poor cobbler, God knows, yet
I will pawn the last awl in my stall but she shall
be waited upon like an empress. See! see! she
begins to revive again.

(opening her eyes with a heavy sigh).
Is it all vanish'd? 'twas a dreadful vision!
[Looking on the crowd around her.
O, no! the crowd is here still—it is real;
And he is led away—horrible! horrible!

[Faints again, and is carried off the stage by Richard and the crowd.