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A Son of The Soil

A Romantic Play, In Three Acts

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Scene Second.

—Before Martel's House.
Enter Hoche, L. 1. E., and Aristides, R. 1 E., meeting.

Good morning, citizen. Is Martel at home? I am
come to look for him.


I have just left him; he's changed, bewitched, done
for, and it's a woman that has done it. To think of his being
caught by a woman! By-the-bye, I want to introduce my wife
to you.


Eh! has a woman caught you too?


Oh, no; this isn't a woman, it's a female citizen!


Ah! accept my congratulations.


A real citizen! Fought at the barricades, she did,
and has made two speeches at the club about the rights of the
sex. That knocked me over completely, and we were married
the next day, citizen fashion, by shaking hands on our bargain.
General, when do you start for the war in Brittany?


To-morrow. Your wife won't let you join us, I


On the contrary. She wants to join too, and I want
to ask you to take us both for the honeymoon. I'm sick of
Paris! Those accursed Aristocrats broke up our club yesterday,
and the Committee have sold themselves to the devil—I


mean, to the Royalist party. I shake the Paris dust off my
feet, and hey for a fair field in Brittany, in the teeth of the
English and the Aristocrats. If you want a solid grenadier,
warranted to stand fire, I'm your man.


And I am yours. But what am I to do with your


With Ceres—that's her name, that is. She wants to
be a vivandière, and a beauty she'll make: pour out the
brandy with a will, and serve in the ranks, if required. Is it
a bargain?


Most willingly. You are just the sort of people I
want. I start with Martel to-morrow.


Have you asked him?


Not yet. I am come to make the proposal now.


Then he won't come; take my word for it. I caught
him mumbling over a scented letter just now. Bah! Goodbye,
General. I wish you success with him, but I don't think
you will have it. I must go and help Ceres to pack up her
trousseau. (crosses, L.)


We don't allow much luggage.


Don't be alarmed. It's only a musket and a keg of

Exeunt severally.