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Gregory VII

A Tragedy

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—Palace of the Countess Matilda, in Rome.
Enter Matilda, with a letter.
The Emperor's mother favouring Gregory,
Is a brave sound to go forth to the world.
The Dowager Empress, then, hath deeply felt
My late appeal.
“I shall attend your summons instantly;
And doubt not I may reach you ere my letter.”
What if she change her mind?—it 's possible.
I shall not change—rather increase my efforts.
Devotion, doubled now, claims acts with thoughts,
For I am all involved. What hurrying step—


Enter the Empress Agnes.
The Dowager Empress! Madam, my arms rejoice
To hold you thus! but wherefore this disguise?

In haste I left the imperial court, much fearing
Detention through delay: e'en while I speak,
Count Eberardus may have entered Rome,
To publish the decree.

He dare not do it.

Oh, I had hoped young Henry had not dared.
Bethink you, madam, how't must wring my heart,
To find myself the opponent of my son!

I have thought of it; and do honour you,
Imperial lady, for your constancy
Unto the Vatican. The struggle 's hard;
But therein do you shew yourself more strong,
Pure, and devout: and, truly, is it not
Most wise maternity to check a son
Who rushes towards a pitfall?—pray you speak!

It is my best belief, my strong support.

'T was rumoured here that, flushed with wine, he claimed
To nominate the hierarchy of Rome!
The which when Gregory heard, he straightway wrote,
And bade the Emperor think no more of it.
Now comes this Eberardus to reply,
The Emperor doth depose his Holiness,
Wishing a more obsequious church!

Oh, madam!
This is, indeed, too true; and I do feel
That, by a hand of power—

Should be withdrawn
His sceptre—for a time?


Should this be done? O, God!

It should—it must!
Call you to mind his inexperience—
His dangerous passions; and at once resolve
To save him by a well-timed, strong reproof!

I am resolved.

The Saints speak in you, madam!
Submission must be taught him—how to stoop,
And bow to the triple-crown of the Vatican.
