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Scene Second.

—The Bower Chamber (as in Scene Second of First Act)—Daylight.
Lord Arden discovered walking about.
Lord A.
It's very entertaining: but I wonder
Wherein this differs from a prison! only
Excepting in the article of food,
Which really's very decent. Memorandum—
Always be good friends with the housekeeper;
My constant maxim. But a prisoner
I am, to all intents, locked in my cell—
Hem! (looking round)
Something better, too, than bare stone walls;

Yet there's a plague even in that. I've heard
Of captives who have made themselves amusement
With toads and spiders. No such luck for me!
I've searched through every corner for a spider;
But meddling housemaids have not left me one!
The door, L. 2 E., is heard to unlock; it then opens—enter Maud with a basket, and carefully locks the door after her.
Ha, my sweet Maud! Why, in this very instant,
I longed—I pined for thee! (taking her hand)


'Tis like, your lordship
Felt carnal cravings of the inward man
For worldly things. (pointing to the basket—she brings forward the table and spreads the cloth)

Lord A.
A truce with canting, Maud!
It is not fit for rosy lips like thine.

(as before)
In verity,
Unless we exercise the gifts we have,
Our graces will grow rusty.

Lord A.
Say you so?
There then! (kisses her)

(R. C.)
Good gracious! La! My lord!

Lord A.
You know,
Except we exercise our gifts, good Maud,
Our graces will grow rusty. Ha, ha, ha!
I have not had so sweet a kiss these six months.

Nor I.

Lord A.
In sooth, good Maud, I'm almost crazed
For want of occupation. Even the pastime
A prisoner finds in peeping through the bars,
I am forbid.

Why, if you would not have
A musquetoon be levelled at your head,
I should not recommend it. For heaven's sake
Never approach the window.

Lord A.
I regard it
At most respectful distance—as I saw there
A troop of Ironsides! Pest on it, Maud!
Is there no cock-boat will put out for France?
Will the wind never change? It's like a woman,
Flitting round all the points, when you would fix it.

Ay, like your mistress.

Lord A.
Only constant when
It holds you fast, and you would give the world
To change it—

Like your wife—Exactly so!

Lord A.
I've wandered round this chamber, till I've learnt
Each stitch in all the tapestry by heart—
I'll tell you to a pane, how many squares
Are in that casement. I have reckoned up


The boards that form the floor—there's forty-seven.
I had some thoughts of numbering the nails—
In short, I've nothing left, but making love,
And none to love but thee!

(shewing the basket)
Yes, here's a rival!

Lord A.
Psha! The bright ruby of thy lips—

Is nothing to this full flask of burgundy.

Lord A.
Thy hand—

Not half as tempting as a pigeon's leg,
That's in this pie.

Lord A.
Thy round and buxom form— (putting his arm round her)

Mere nothing to the crust (crosses, L.)

Lord A.
I swear to thee—

(gets chair)
Thou'rt very hungry, so sit down and feed!

Lord A.
(at table)
Thou art a sage, and know'st the the heart of man—
I honour thee, sweet Maud! Here's to thy health!

(sits.—Jabez appears at window, and seeing them, starts)
(L., sees Jabez, who instantly disappears—screams)

Lord A.
(starting up)
What's the matter?

I—I thought I saw
Something—that window— (Lord Arden is going to the window, when Maud stops him)
Are you mad, my lord?

Stand back! (goes and looks out)
No; there seems nothing—it was fancy.

But, to make doubly sure, I'll go myself,
And see outside. (going, L. 2 E.)

Lord A.
(stopping her at the door)
Maud—Maud! one moment. (kisses her)

Fie, then!

Exit, L. 2 E.
Lord A.
Only to keep my graces from the rust—
Excellent, Maud! I drink thy health again.

(snatching a glass from the table—Maud pops her head on, and Arden starts from table to run after her)