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Enobarbus, Agrippa, and Roman Nobles.

Where will you find mouths for all those victuals?


They are all for the royal table I assure
you, my friend. Why, gentlemen, we have fourscore
and sixteen kitchens, each larger than a court
of justice; and, by the quarter of the hour, in regular
succession, each kitchen is provided with a
feast for a thousand, hot fuming from spits, pans,
kettles, stews, ovens, and cauldrons, that the service
may never fail, or come in coldly, when appetite
or humour shall please to call. Our liquor
flows, plenteous as the Nile in its swell; and Alexandria
is fed from the refuse of our table.


You did not live thus, in your retreat
through Parthia.


True, Agrippa. And these, your gentlemen
of the summer nobility, will like our
Egyptian fare somewhat better than following my
master Antony over the Alps, and living upon
sallads dug out of the snow.



All my appetite is in my eyes. I long
to feast them on your Cleopatra.


Ay, Agrippa! she, indeed, is the dish
of dishes—such as never shall come to table again,
till nature shall provide a new service of women.


Where, pray you, did Antony first
meet with her?


In Cilicia. She had given aid to Cassius;
and Antony sent for her in high dudgeon, to
answer many charges preferred against her. If I
were not unhappy at description, I would give you
the manner of it.


Any how.


Any how.


Let us have it, we beseech you.


Why, she came down the river Cydnus,
in a galley, whose poop and sides were inlaid with
burnished gold, and appeared to whiz and burn
along the water. The oars were silver, and kept
stroke to the sound of flutes and hautboys. The
sails were of Tyrian purple, the tackle of silk; and
the streamers, like flaming meteors, seemed to
kindle the very gales that came to cool them.—
But, as for herself, I shall say nothing; for, though
I hate her more heartily than ever I loved my mother,
yet I would not do her injustice.—She beggars description.


Nay, good now, Enobarbus!—as I am a
Roman you tell it rarely.


Rarely, rarely!


Under a canopy of golden tissue, whose
curtains were thrown aloft, she lay, carelessly reclined,


out-picturing the goddess, whose picture is
said to have out-copied nature. Her wenches,
dressed like Nereids or the Graces of the Ocean,
here steered the helm, here handled the cordage,
and here shifted the silken sails: while boys,
quivered and winged like dimpled Cupids, kept
fanning off the air that kindled at her cheek. In
her eye was glory, and in her smile fascination.
The city threw forth all its people upon her, and
left Antony alone on his tribunal in the marketplace,
whistling after the wind, that flew to meet


Why your account is enough to empty
Rome also, and bring Italy into Egypt!


All to Egypt, all to Egypt!


But, is it certain that your emperor is
married to this wonder?


As sure as an Egyptian priest can
fetter him.


An Antony, however, can never be
bound to any thing, save his liking; and he, you
know, is an inconstant, and a voluptuary.


I tell the, Agrippa, inconstancy itself
must be a captive to Cleopatra. Age cannot
wither, nor custom make common her infinite perfections.


I grieve to hear this.—I came, commissioned
by Cæsar, to propose terms of lasting
amity; and to offer his sister, Octavia, pre-eminent
in every excellence, to Antony for wife.


I am glad you come not to threaten; for
our late successes have put us on so broad a bottom,


that we think we stand firm against the
fates.—But here comes the emperor—I would confer
with you of these matters, preparatory to your
