University of Virginia Library


Almida, Sophia.
Sophia, I'm undone! my father
Destines my hand, but this repugnant heart
Ruin or death prefers to Orbassan.

Too well I guess how this must pain your heart.
I know it's feelings, tender, firm and noble.
Nothing that fortune or a court could offer,
Had power to tempt it. Solyman and Tancred
With equal ardor lov'd you—
But Tancred's virtues, his superior merit,
All that can grace a hero, gain'd your heart,
And hearts like yours once touch'd, are fix'd for ever.

Tancred they banish, strip, and load with wrongs.
Envy and hatred is the hero's lot;
But this still binds him closer to my soul!
Know too he is still regretted in these walls,
The people love him—


Banish'd in his youth,
The worldly friends of his forgotten father,
Shrunk from the son, and left him to his fate.
Few hearts like yours resist the pow'r of absence;
The great no idol but their interest know;
Oft are the people kinder—

And more just.

Alas! they are depress'd; our friends are hidden,
Or dare not speak in favor of an exile.
A tyrant senate rules, all pow'rful here.

All pow'rful yes, when Tancred is away.

Ah! could he shew himself, we yet might hope,
But far from hence—

Assist me heav'n! Sophia,
In thy kind bosom let me place my trust;
Know then, that Tancred is not distant far,
And whilst his proud oppressors plan his ruin,
'Tis time he should appear, and bid them tremble.
Tancred is in Messina.

Can it be?
And dares another to your hand aspire?

Perish the hated thought! nay soon perhaps,
My foes and I shall own one common lord.
I'll tell thee all—but we must greatly dare.
This yoke is shameful, I will shake it off.


“How vile in me if meanly I betray'd him!
Obedience here would be a cloak for falshood.
Ah! let him come to sooth this trembling heart!
Let him be mine! Well does my faith deserve him.
Bound to a tyrant, shall I timid slave
Poorly submit, a mean unhappy victim,
And veil my treach'ry with the name of duty!
No, love and honor kindle all my soul,
Exalt it far beyond my sex's weakness;
If in this enterprize, there should be dangers,
Joyful I'll meet them, they are all for Tancred.
