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O Jupiter! whate'er I undertake,
How pretty, and how prosperous is the event!
Whatever project in my mind is form'd,
I neither doubt of the event, nor fear it.
'Tis folly with a timorous heart, to attempt
A great exploit.—For all affairs turn out
According as we manage them, and raise them
Into importance—By premeditation
So well am I provided with my forces,
My double, triple tricks and perfidies,
That wheresoe'er I meet the foe, relying
On my own wicked industry and wit,
Deceitful, I may confidently say,
My perfidies will give an easy conquest,
And furnish me with plunder cheaply purchas'd.
First you shall see how cleverly I'll batter
This Ballio, this our common enemy.
This town will I besiege with such success,


This day it shall surrender.—Hither, ay,
Hither I'll march my legions.—If I sack it,
I soon shall make all easy to my friends.
This done, to the old town I'll march my army;
There load myself and my allies with plunder;
Then put my enemies to fear and flight;
And make them know I'm somebody.—A man
So born should such exploits perform, as may
Make him illustrious to posterity.
Who have we here? What unknown fellow's this
That meets my eyes? I'd fain know what he means;
[seeing Harpax at a distance.
And with a sword—I'll lye in ambush for him.—

[retires apart.