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Has then ungrateful Lycidas so soon
Forgot his vows? Unhappy Argene!
To what have thy offended stars reserv'd thee!
Learn, unexperienc'd virgins, learn from me:
Behold the practice of deceitful men!
Each calls you still his life, his soul, his treasure;
Each swears the dear remembrance of your charms
Beguiles the day, and wastes the midnight hours:
All arts are theirs: they can turn pale and weep,
Before your sight seem ready to expire:
But heed them not—they are dissemblers all.


Amidst a thousand hope not e'er
One heart sincere to find;
Though each, in presence of the fair,
May boast a constant mind.
By custom now is grown despis'd
The faithful lover's name;
And constancy, that once was priz'd,
Is made the lover's shame.
