University of Virginia Library



When Robin sings on a bare thorn
The Baby King of the world is born.
When snow is on the bush and briar
And all the folk are housèd warm;
When beasts are gathered to the byre
Safe from the winter night and storm:
Then in the deepest gloom of all
God's Son lies in the cattle's stall.
When snow is on the field and hill
And every bird is cold in nest,
And dumb and frozen every rill,
And Robin sings with a puffed breast:
In the mid-winter the world's Rose,
Our Lord, is wrapped in swaddling-clothes.
When shepherds watch their silly sheep
Lest that some wandering one be lost;
When all the chilly drifts are deep
And the white world is in the frost:
With stars all keen and wind in the East
His Mother gives Him of her breast.


When the first lambs are laid in fold,
And every grass-blade s grown a spear,
When children cluster from the cold
Around the nursery hearth-fire clear:
About the hour of bitterest dearth
The Lamb of God is born on earth.
Now in the bitter winter weather
The ass, the ox, they give Him bed.
The stars and angels sing together
And Heaven is in the cattle-shed.
The ass, the ox, they kneel to adore
The Hope the world long waited for.
The ass, the ox, are hosts to Him,
Since all the inns are full to-night,
With seraphim and cherubim
All kneeling in the starlight white.
Noel! Noel! Our Lord is born
When Robin sings on a bare thorn.