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The vvorkes of a young wyt

trust vp with a Fardell of pretie fancies, profitable to young Poetes, preiudicial to no man, and pleasaunt to euery man to passe away idle tyme withall. Whereunto is ioyned an odde kynde of wooing, with a Banquet of Comfettes, to make an ende withall. Done by N. B. Gentleman

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[VVhat gyfte so good? but folly may abuse.]


This donne, my Muse studiynge of the straunge estate of luckeles louers, bethoughte her selfe of a disdainfull dame, whom God had blest with better beauty then by her behauiour


many wayes shee seemed worthy of, and chiefely, for her discourteous dealinge with a gentleman her faithfull louer, who euery way had deserued her fauoure, and was by equality worthy of her in euery respecte: who seing her vntowarde dealing, wrote vpon the same in his study alone certeine verses, which as they were given me by my Muse to write, were these folowing.

VVhat gyfte so good? but folly may abuse.
what state so highe? but fortune sets ful low:
What gemme so rare? but fansy maie refuse,
what Ioie so great? but Frenzie turnes to woe,
What faith so firme? but Fury doth mistruste.
what wighte so stronge? but Loue layes in the duste.
What force so stronge? but wo may make ful weake,
what fury great? but wit may moderate:
What Frenzy such? but werines may breake,
what fansy firme? but welthe wil alienate:
What fortunes power? but wisedome maye with stande:
what folly that? but will doth take in hande.
What wretched wo? but tyme turnes to delighte,
what wit so fine? but treason may entrappe:
What wery limme? but treasure maketh lighte,
what welthe so great? but wastes by euil happe:
What man so wise? but fancy sets to schoole,
by lawes of loue to learne to play the foole.
What gyfte so good? as beauty in a mayde,
what more abuse? then proudely vse the same:
What Gemme to loue? which proudely is denaide,
what madnes more? then is in suche a Dame:
My faith so firme, what fury dothe mistruste,
with foule disdaine, to sling me in the duste?


But oh that God shoulde so his gifts bestow,
where wit doth wante, to gouerne them arighte:
And (aie me wretche) that euer I shoulde know,
their suche abuse, to worke my harts despighte:
And wo to them, that so good gifts abuse,
that pride shoulde cause good profers to refuse.