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Songs, &c

In the romantic drama of Adelmorn, the outlaw. First performed at Drury Lane theatre on Monday, May 4, 1801. [by M. G. Lewis] The overture and music entirely new, composed by Mr. Kelly

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2. SONG.
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2. SONG.

[HIS wings in terror clapping]


HIS wings in terror clapping,
A little bird, last May,


Against my window flapping,
For shelter seem'd to pray.
With pity touch'd, I granted
The little bird's request;
It trembled, flutter'd, panted!
I sooth'd it on my breast.
Well pleas'd it seem'd to eye me:
I lov'd the pretty thing:
To keep it ever nigh me
I clipp'd each little wing.
But yet I thought, sincerely
To go it would be griev'd:
It seem'd to love me dearly:
And oh! too well deceiv'd,
Its wings by me neglected,
Again their feathers grew,
And ere I aught suspected
One morn away it flew,
Crying—“That yours the blame is,
Poor youth, too late you learn;
So sure as Love my name is
I never will return!”—

Taken from a German Ballad.