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The Browns that lived at Burncoombe Hall,
Invited Linda down to spend
An evening with some friends, that all
Met there to see the old year's end;
And for his worthy father's sake,—
For they had known him from his birth,—
They ask'd young Erwin down to take
His share of that gay evening's mirth.
And Erwin, in his shape and height,
Stood up the smartest young man there;
And Linda walk'd in shining white
By far the fairest of the fair.
And when the freaky tune was done,
And breathless dancers, in a ring,
Sat round the room; and ev'ry one
Was called upon in turn to sing;


Then Mr. Wanhope, when it came
To Erwin, cried you can't decline
To sing—I do not know its name—
That little song of yours and mine.