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The Poetical Remains of the late Dr. John Leyden

with Memoirs of his Life, by the Rev. James Morton

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In the sweet morn of life, when health and joy
Laugh in the eye, and o'er each sunny plain
A mild celestial softness seems to reign,
Ah! who could dream what woes the heart annoy?
No saddening sighs disturb the vernal gale
Which fans the wild-wood music on the ear;
Unbath'd the sparkling eye with pity's tear,
Save listening to the aged soldier's tale.
The heart's slow grief, which wastes the child of woe,
And lovely injur'd woman's cruel wrong,
We hear not in the sky-lark's morning song,
We hear not in the gales that o'er us blow.
Visions devoid of woe which childhood drew,
How oft shall my sad heart your soothing scenes renew!