University of Virginia Library



(Written in Youth.)

No more on Judah's hills the song is heard,
No more does prophet wake the living lyre,
For ever silenced is each holy bard,
And gone for ever is their heavenly fire.
No more the valiant hero conquering leads
Judah's proud sons against their ruthless foes;
No more the warrior for his country bleeds,
And dies to free her from her many woes.
Once did our noble temple proudly rear
Its head, beloved by every true-born Jew,
Now gilded mosque and minaret appear,
Where turban'd Paynims chant their “Allah Hu!”
Thine ancient race, Lord, once so highly blest,
Has now become the Gentile nation's scorn;
And 'midst the taunting heathen sore distressed,
We sadly wander, wretched and forlorn.
Jehovah, hear us from Thy holy place,
No longer may we thus be trodden down;
From us no longer hide Thy gracious face,
Withdraw from Israel's seed Thy angry frown.