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O! to Rest beside Thee.


[In memory of Anna Boer, a fine young woman from Shropshire, who died unmarried. My love for her was the purest I had ever known.]

O to rest beside thee, Anna!
O! to rest beside thee, Anna!
Calm beneath the grass and flowers
From love's pure eye that hide thee, Anna!
No more thy light heart leaps to glee,
Love's sacred thrillings leave it, Anna;
But all the ills that menace me—
O, none of these can grieve it, Anna!
O to rest beside thee, &c.
In vain to thee the summer blooms,
And azure skies bend o'er thee, Anna;
But adverse fortune's deepening glooms
Are never hung before thee, Anna!
O to rest beside thee, &c.
My song would thus embalm thy name,
And thou—thou canst not hear it, Anna;
But gathering hisses blast my fame,
And I survive to bear it, Anna!
O! to rest beside thee, &c.